   (a)    All rates in the compensation ordinance are based on a forty (40) hour weekly schedule, paid on a bi-weekly basis.
   (b)    The standard work week shall be forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day period for full-time employees of the Municipality.
(Ord. 2023-18. Passed 12-4-23.)
   153.06 OVERTIME.
   (a)    Except for those employees not covered by the overtime provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act, or the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, all full-time employees and all eligible part-time employees shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate for that time actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours during a seven (7) day work week when approved by that employee's Department Head for employees who are normally scheduled to work a forty (40) hour week. Part-time firefighters shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate for time actually worked in excess of fifty-three (53) hours in a seven (7) day work period.
   (b)    All overtime shall be approved in advance by an employee's Department Head, unless there exists an emergency that threatens the health, safety or welfare of the Municipality.
   (c)    If an employee is scheduled for training or seminars while on vacation or holiday, the employee shall be paid regular time and restored that vacation or holiday time lost. No overtime will be paid in this situation.
   (d)    Time changes relevant to daylight savings shall not entitle the Municipality to dock pay nor to pay additional time on those days, as same will balance out.
   (e)    All full-time employees, shall, at their election, be able to accrue compensatory time at one and one-half (1-1/2) times the number of overtime hours worked in lieu of cash payment at the same rate that overtime would have been calculated (time and one-half vs. straight overtime), up to a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) hours. In the event an employee works overtime when his "compensatory time bank" is at one hundred twenty (120) hours, he or she shall be paid cash for such overtime. Employees shall be required to cash out all accumulated comp time over forty (40) hours and have the option of cashing out all accumulated hours of comp time at the end of each calendar year. Any unused comp time will be cashed out upon the employee's separation from employment.
   (f)    Holidays, compensatory time, personal/miscellaneous days and vacation time, shall be considered time actually worked. Sick leave and bereavement leave will not be considered time actually worked for the purposes of calculating overtime.
    (g)    Those full-time employees called to work on an emergency basis outside of their scheduled working hours shall be paid at their regular hourly rate and shall be paid for a minimum of three (3) hours. In the event that the hours worked on an emergency basis as provided in this subsection are subject to the overtime provisions of subsection (a) hereof, then such employees shall be paid at one and one-half (1-1/2) times their regular hourly rate for a minimum of three (3) hours and thereafter in increments of fifteen (15) minutes.
   (h)    Full-time Department Heads and the Assistant Fire Chief/Fire Marshal shall be entitled to compensatory time of one (1) hour for each hour actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day work period. The compensatory time authorized herein may be accumulated to a maximum total of eighty (80) hours. Compensatory time used from this accumulation shall only be used with the approval of the Mayor. The overtime provisions of this subsection are not required by the Fair Labor Standards Act and are accorded to the employees covered by this subsection at the sole discretion of the Municipality with the Municipality reserving the right to rescind the overtime granted herein. Any unused comp time will be cashed out upon the Department Head's separation from employment.
   (i)    Any secretarial or clerical employee who attends a meeting of Council or Planning and Zoning or Architectural Review Board or any other meeting when requested by the Mayor or Council for the purpose of recording the minutes of such meetings shall receive compensation at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2 times) the normal hourly rate as established herein. The secretarial or clerical employee attending the meeting shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours for such attendance.
   (j)    When a Service Department employee is called in to work during the hours between 12:00 midnight and 8:00 A.M. and the Service Director deems the situation to be an emergency, that employee will be compensated at rate of one and one half (1-1/2) times his regular rate of pay.
   (k)    When a full-time Service Department employee is assigned by the Service Director to work as a crew leader for a minimum of four (4) hours on a single shift, that employee shall be compensated an additional two dollars ($2.00) per hour for each hour actually worked in that capacity.
   (l)   Part-time Firefighters who respond to shift or general calls, or any other emergency or manpower call-in sanctioned in accordance with Fire Department Rules and Regulations, Standard Operating Procedures, and/or Standard Operating Guidelines, shall receive minimum pay of two (2) hours of overtime compensation calculated at one and one-half (1-1/2) times their rate of pay and every hour thereafter will be paid at their assigned rate of pay, provided that the responding employee arrives to the Fire Station within thirty (30) minutes of the official call-in time recorded in Dispatch. Where the response is prior to the beginning of an employee's assigned shift, the employee may sign a call-in sheet if the official call-in time is greater than or equal to thirty (30) minutes prior to the beginning of the employee's assigned shift time. If any assistance is rendered by the employee within the thirty (30) minute period prior to the beginning of the shift, the employee may sign in early for the shift and be compensated accordingly. For shift or general recalls, or any other emergency or manpower call-in lasting longer than two (2) hours, the Fire Chief may permit exceptions to the thirty (30) minute response time.
   (m)    Part-time employees shall have the option of banking up to forty (40) hours of regular or overtime hours. These hours may only be used when the employee takes a bereavement, sick or vacation day in place of a regularly scheduled work day. The employee shall have the option of cashing out any unused hours at the end of the calendar year.
(Ord. 2023-18. Passed 12-4-23.)
   (a)    Internal Revenue Service permissible payment per mile is hereby allowed to reimburse employees who are required to make trips on behalf of the Municipality in their own automobiles, other than transportation to and from work, to be paid from the Treasury upon approval of the Mayor and the Director of Finance. This sum shall be paid to all employees, elected or appointed, full or part-time. If the trip replaces the employee's normal commute, reimbursable miles will be offset by the employee's normal commute.
   (b)    Any elected or appointed Municipal officer, deputy or assistant or an employee of the Municipality may attend, at the expense of the Municipality, any conference or convention relating to municipal affairs if authorized by the Mayor and the Department Head, and if the fiscal officer of the Municipality certifies that funds are appropriated and available for such purpose. Such person shall be reimbursed for meals and lodging. If the attendance at such conference does not require overnight accommodation, the employee will be reimbursed for meals up to fifteen dollars ($15.00) for lunch or dinner upon presentation of receipts to the Finance Director. If attendance at such conference requires overnight accommodation, the employee shall be provided a fifty dollar ($50.00) per diem for each day of travel requiring overnight accommodation and a fifteen dollar ($15.00) per diem for the day of travel returning home.
   (c)    All employees who are summoned to jury duty in the municipal, county or federal court system must advise their chief and or director, immediately upon receiving same. If the employee is scheduled to work during said scheduled jury duty, the employee will be paid his regular compensation for that time period. An employee who finishes his jury duty early during the course of his shift, should report for duty for the balance of his regular shift. Similarly, an employee will work as much as his or her shift as possible before reporting for jury duty taking into account reasonable travel time.
(Ord. 2023-18. Passed 12-4-23.)
   (a)    Uniform items for Police Department employees shall conform to the specifications required by the Department's Manual of Rules and Regulations, subject to the approval of the Chief of Police. All items purchased by the Municipality shall be and remain the property of the Municipality.
   (b)    The Police Department, upon approval and having received an authorized purchase order and number from the Finance Department, shall purchase and maintain items necessary to equip the Chief of Police, each Auxiliary Police Officer, each part-time Police Officer, and each Dispatcher as listed on the appropriate Schedule on file with the Police Chief and previously approved by the Mayor and Council. In the event that such officer is employed as a full-time or part-time police officer for another municipality, or has previously served as a Mayfield Village Auxiliary Police Office, and by reason thereof, has already had purchased for him or her any of the items appearing on the Schedule, and such items are fit for use in Mayfield Village, then the Municipality will not purchase such items for the officer and he or she shall not be entitled to receive such item. In the event an employee leaves employment with the Municipality or is dismissed before twelve (12) months have elapsed since hiring and the issuance of uniforms or gear, the uniform or gear must be returned to the Municipality or the Municipality will recover the cost of the uniform or gear on a prorated basis computed on full calendar months worked and the balance due to the Municipality will be deducted from the final salary payment.
   (c)    The Fire Department, upon approval and having received an authorized purchase order and number from the Finance Department, shall purchase and maintain items necessary to equip the Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief/Fire Marshal, and each part-time Firefighter as listed on the appropriate Schedule on file with the Fire Chief. In the event that such Firefighter is employed as a full-time or part-time firefighter for another municipality, or has previously served as a Mayfield Village part-time Firefighter, and by reason thereof, has already had purchased for him or her any of the items appearing on the Schedule, and such items are fit for use in Mayfield Village, then the Municipality will not purchase such items for the Firefighter and he or she shall not be entitled to receive the cash equivalent of any such item. In the event an employee leaves employment with the Municipality or is dismissed before twelve (12) months have elapsed since hiring and the issuance of uniforms or gear, the uniform or gear must be returned to the Municipality or the Municipality will recover the cost of the uniform or gear on a prorated basis computed on full calendar months worked and the balance due to the Municipality will be deducted from the final salary payment.
   (d)    The Service Department, upon approval and having received an authorized purchase order and number from the Finance Department, shall purchase and maintain items necessary to outfit each full-time and part-time Service Department employee.
   (e)    Whenever a uniform item is damaged or destroyed in the line of duty then that item shall be replaced by the Municipality. Whenever a uniform item is lost or destroyed by an employee in a manner not related to the performance of his duty then that item shall be replaced at the cost of the employee subject to the recommendation of the appropriate Department Head.
   (f)    Whenever different or additional uniform items are required due to the promotion of a full-time member of the Police or Fire Department, the Municipality shall purchase those items with an approval for payment from the Chief of the Department.
   (g)    There shall be no uniform purchases or maintenance for Police, Building and Service secretaries and/or clerk receptionists.
(Ord. 2023-18. Passed 12-4-23.)
   153.09 SICK LEAVE.
   (a)    Sick leave shall be defined as an absence with pay necessitated by:
      (1)    Illness or injury to the employee;
      (2)    Exposure by the employee to a contagious disease communicable to other employees; or
      (3)    Illness, injury, or death in the employee's immediate family.
   (b)    All permanent full-time employees shall accumulate sick leave at the rate of four and six-tenths (4.6) hours for every eighty (80) hours worked, submitted and approved, and may accumulate such sick leave to an unlimited amount. However, at no time shall the number of sick leave hours accumulated exceed one hundred twenty (120) hours per year.
   (c)    Employees covered under this section shall notify the Municipality of such absence and the reason therefore no later than one (1) hour after the start of the work day for which the employee is scheduled to report with the exception of safety personnel who shall report by their respective departmental rules and regulations. Before an absence may be charged against accumulated sick leave, the affected employee's Department Head, or Mayor in the case of a Department Head, may require proof of illness, injury, or death in the family as may be satisfactory to him, or may require the employee to be examined by a physician designated by and paid for by the employer. An employee absent for more than two (2) work days must supply a physician's report to be eligible for paid sick leave, if requested by that employee's Department Head.
   (d)    If the employee fails to submit adequate proof of illness, injury, or death in the family, or in the event that upon such proof as is submitted or upon the request of medical examination, the Department Head finds there is not satisfactory evidence of illness, injury or death in the family sufficient to justify the employee's absence, such leave may be considered an unauthorized absence and shall be without pay.
   (e)    Any abuse or patterned use of sick leave shall be just and sufficient cause for disciplinary action including but not limited to reprimand, suspension and/or discharge.
   (f)    Department Heads may require an employee who has been absent due to a personal illness or injury lasting more than three (3) days, prior to and as a condition of return to work, to be examined by a physician designated and paid for by the Municipality, to establish that such employee is not disabled from the performance of his or her duties and that his or her return to work will not jeopardize the health and safety of other employees.
   (g)    When the use of sick leave is due to illness or injury in the immediate family, "immediate family" shall be defined to only include the employee's spouse, children, dependents who reside with the employee, parents, parents-in-law and individuals for whom the employee serves as the legal guardian.
   (h)    Upon retirement, death and/or voluntary termination from service, all full-time employees hired before January 1, 2011 shall be entitled to receive credit and payment for accumulated but unused sick leave not to exceed nine hundred sixty (960) hours, provided that they have been employed by the Municipality for ten (10) years or more. For purposes of this Section, an employee shall be considered to have retired when such employee takes action that is inconsistent with any reasonable intent to continue employment with the Municipality.
   (i)    Upon retirement, death and/or voluntary termination from service, all full-time employees hired on or after January 1, 2011, who have been employed by the Municipality for ten (10) years or more, shall be entitled to receive credit and payment for three-quarters (3/4) of their accumulated but unused sick leave not to exceed four hundred eighty (480) hours; all employees who have been employed by the Municipality for twenty (20) years or more, shall be entitled to receive credit and payment for three-quarters (3/4) of their accumulated but unused sick leave not to exceed nine hundred sixty (960) hours; and all employees who have been employed by the Municipality for twenty-five (25) years or more, shall be entitled to receive credit and payment for all of their accumulated but unused sick leave not to exceed nine hundred sixty (960) hours. For purposes of this Section, an employee shall be considered to have retired when such employee takes actions that are inconsistent with any reasonable intent to continue employment with the Municipality.
   (j)    Any permanent full-time employee who has a sick leave accumulation of forty-five (45) days, has worked for the Municipality for at least twelve (12) months, and has not used any sick days earned during the current year shall be compensated at the end of the calendar year the equivalent of five (5) days' pay. Sick leave accumulation lawfully transferred from prior public employees shall be included for purposes of this section. If under the foregoing circumstances, the employee has used one (1) earned sick day during the calendar year, then said employee shall be compensated at the end of the year for four ( 4) days' pay. If, under the foregoing circumstances, the employee has used two (2) earned sick days during the calendar year, then said employee shall be compensated at the end of the year for three (3) days' pay. If, under the foregoing circumstances, the employee has used three (3) earned sick days during the calendar year, then said employee shall be compensated at the end of the year for two (2) days' pay. If, under the foregoing circumstances, the employee has used four ( 4) earned sick days during the calendar year, then said employee shall be compensated at the end of the year for one (1) day's pay. All sick days paid under this section shall be at the option of the employee, shall be deducted from the employee's accumulated but unused sick leave, and shall be paid at the end of the calendar year.
   (k)    If a full-time employee is scheduled to work on a holiday enumerated in Section 153.14 and cannot work due to illness, that day shall be considered a holiday day off and shall not be counted or compensated as a sick day.
   (l)    An employee who transfers from one department of the Municipality to any other department of the Municipality shall be allowed to transfer accumulated sick leave to the new department.
   (m)    "Hours of service" as used in this section includes overtime, vacations, holidays, sick leave, comp time and all other approved and paid leaves of absence from service. "Hours of service" does not include the additional compensatory time allowed an employee who works a holiday or has his or her normal day off on a holiday.
(Ord. 2023-18. Passed 12-4-23.)
   In the event of death in the employee's immediate family, he or she shall be entitled to three (3) days off to arrange for and/or attend funeral services. An additional two (2) days could be granted for out of state funerals after a written request has been submitted and approved by the Mayor or his or her designee. The "immediate family" shall include the spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law, brothers, sisters, grandparents, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Should an exception to the aforementioned apply, such exception must be authorized by the Mayor. An employee's use of this leave while on vacation, holiday, or sick leave, shall result in the employee not being charged for such vacation, holiday or sick leave.
(Ord. 2023-18. Passed 12-4-23.)
   153.11 FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE. Refer to Ordinance No. 2019-05