   1309.05 PERMIT FEES.
   The following schedule of permit fees shall be used where the total lump sum fees do not apply:
   (a)   Architectural Review Board Fees.
Accessory buildings and structures
Residential additions and alterations
Single and two-family dwellings
Multi-family/commercial - New
100.00 +
$ 5.00 per 1000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
Multi-family/commercial - additions/alterations
100.00 +
$ 3.00 per 1000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof.
   (b)   Building Permits.
Detached garage
$ 40.00
Shed, accessory structures, fences, deck
Residential additions/alterations
75.00 +
$ 3.00 per 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
Commercial buildings - new
200.00 +
$ 4.00 per 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
Multi-family/commercial additions/alterations
150.00 +
$ 4.00 per 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
Moving buildings or structures
Demolition of residential accessory building
Demolition of buildings
100.00 +
$ 5.00 per 1000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
Structures or equipment not specified
Above ground swimming pools
In ground swimming pools
   (c)   Plumbing Permits.
Alterations base fee
$ 20.00
New multi-family/commercial base fee
For each lavatory, watercloset, bathtub, hot tub, shower, sink
For each laundry tray, floor drain, yard drain, sump pump, inside leader, water tank or similar fixture
Building drains and sewers - storm or sanitary
20.00 +
$ 10.00 per 100 lineal feet or fraction thereof
Lawn sprinkler systems
   (d)   Electrical Permits.
Alteration base fee
$ 20.00
New multi-family/commercial base fee
For each receptacle outlet
For each lighting fixture
For each four feet of continuous neon tubing
For each motor
For each heating outlet
Illuminating signs
Panel boards
Intrusion and smoke/fire detection systems
   (e)   Heating and Air Conditioning Permits.
New heating system in multi-family/commercial
$ 60.00
Replacement of central heating system
Installation of unit or space heater
Air conditioning system
35.00 +
$ 3.00 per ton or fraction thereof
Split systems are treated as two separate systems
Solar or geothermal system
   (f)   Certificate of Occupancy.
Residential single and two-family dwellings
- 0 -
Commercial - new buildings
Commercial - change of tenant
Multi-family annual certificate of occupancy and inspection fee - per suite
   (g)   Miscellaneous Permits.
$ 25.00
Foundation waterproofing
Contractor registration for service provided to a resident
Construction trailers - per calendar day
Removal of trees (Chapter 1359)
Soil removal (Chapter 1371)
Per acre or fraction thereof
Recreation vehicles
Driveway - new
Driveway - alteration - repairs
On grade concrete, brick, stone patio
Sidewalk or apron
Fire suppression systems - new or alterations
50.00 + 1.00 per head
Exhaust hood/make up air systems
Exhaust hood suppression systems
Garage sale
Signs - per face
Additional inspections
Temporary signs
Political sign deposit
For all structures and construction not spcifically listed herein.
1/2 of 1% of the value of the construction, but in no event shall such fee be lss than $20.00
(Ord. 2005-55. Passed 12-19-05; Ord. 2009-49. Passed 10-19-09; Ord. 2012-17. Passed 7-16-12.)
   Whoever obtains a permit to construct a new building shall, at the time of issuance thereof, deposit with the Building Commissioner the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) in case of a single or two-family dwelling house, or a commercial or industrial building, and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per dwelling unit, but not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) per building, in the case of an apartment building of any kind, which shall be paid into the Treasury of the Municipality. The amount of the cash deposit shall be returned by the Finance Director to the permit holder when the building has been approved on final inspection. However, if in the process of such construction any damage has been done by the permit holder or any of his contractors, subcontractors, agents or employees or others under his control, to the public highways or other public property or the property of other persons, the amount of such damage as calculated by the Commissioner, together with any unpaid permit or inspection fees, shall be deducted from the amount of the deposit to be returned. If, in the course of such construction, mud, dirt, waste materials, rubbish or other debris is deposited on any dedicated or undedicated street or other public property and is not removed therefrom, within two hours after written notice to remove the same has been given by the Police Department to the permit holder, or his contractor, subcontractor, agent or employee, then the Municipality may cause such substances to be removed and the cost of such removal shall be deducted from the cash deposit. If during the course of construction the deductions made by the Municipality from the cash deposit by reason of repairing any damage or removal of any substance bring the amount of cash on deposit to less than five hundred dollars ($500.00), then the Commissioner may demand that the permit holder replenish the deficiency in the amount of the cash deposit so that it shall again be in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00); or on failure of the permit holder to replenish the funds within two days after such demand in writing by the Commissioner, the latter may revoke the permit or may stop construction until such time as the permit holder has complied with the demand. Whoever fails to comply with such demand within two days after it is made, shall be fined as provided in Section 1301.99.
   (a)    Before a landscape contractor commences any initial improvements or landscaping on the site of any new building or commences any work in altering the grade on any other property he shall deposit with the Building Commissioner the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00). This deposit may be paid in cash by the contractor, by a certified check drawn on a solvent bank in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, or by a cash performance bond drawn by a surety licensed by the State of Ohio. Such deposit shall be a guarantee for repair, correction or reconstruction of rear yard and side yard swales in the event that they have not been constructed with the flow line set to the proper grade as indicated on the drawings approved by the Municipal Engineer.
   (b)    Prior to any seeding, sodding or installation of any nursery stock the landscape contractor shall contact the Building Commissioner to obtain an inspection of the work completed. If, upon inspection, the Commissioner determines that either or both the rear yard and side yard swales have not been constructed with the flow line set to the proper grade as indicated on the drawings approved by the Engineer, then the landscape contractor shall, immediately upon being notified by the Commissioner, repair, correct or reconstruct the swales in the manner indicated by the Engineer. If within seven days after being notified by the Commissioner the landscape contractor has not repaired, corrected or reconstructed the swales as indicated, then the Municipality shall have the right, without further notice to the landscape contractor and without notice to the owner of the property, to repair, correct or reconstruct the swales in accordance with the drawings approved by the Engineer and to reimburse itself from such deposit for all expenses so incurred.
   (c)    If, upon inspection, the Commissioner determines that the rear yard and side yard swales have been constructed with the flow line set to the proper grade as indicated on the drawings approved by the Engineer then the deposit shall be returned to the landscape contractor.
   (d)    This section shall not preclude the Municipality from prosecuting a civil action against the landscape contractor if the cost to repair, correct or reconstruct the swales is in excess of the deposit required herein.
(Ord. 80-61. Passed 10-20-80.)