   1305.07 PURPOSES.
   The purposes of the Architectural Review Board are to protect property on which buildings or structures are constructed or altered, to maintain the high character of community development, and to protect real estate within the Municipality from impairment or destruction of value, by regulating according to proper architectural and engineering principles, the exterior design, use of materials, finished grade, lines, dimensions, location and orientation of all new buildings or structures hereafter erected, and the moving, alteration, improvement, repair or adding to, in whole or in part, of all existing buildings or structures. The Board shall exercise its powers and perform its duties for the accomplishment of such purposes only.
(Ord. 87-24. Passed 10-19-87.)
   1305.08 AUTHORITY.
   The Architectural Review Board shall have and is hereby vested with authority to exercise the powers and perform the duties herein provided, and shall have the powers to make its own rules of procedure, with the following limitations:
   (a)    One member of the Board shall be elected chairman of the Board by the members thereof, and shall be responsible for the proper administration of its duties.
   (b)    (EDITOR'S NOTE: This subsection was repealed by Ordinance 87-24, passed October 19, 1987.)
   (c)    Its quorum shall consist of three or more members.
   (d)    Its official action shall require the affirmative vote of three or more members of the Board.
      (Ord. 74-48. Passed 1-2-75.)
   (e)    The Building Commissioner shall attend all meetings of the Board and shall be counted towards a quorum when less than a quorum is present at any meeting, and shall be allowed to vote at any such meeting except that the Building Commissioner’s vote cannot break a tie vote.
      (Ord. 2015-22. Passed 10-19-15.)
   1305.081 SECRETARY.
   The Municipality shall provide the Architectural Review Board with a Secretary whose compensation shall be determined from time-to-time by Council.
(Ord. 87-24. Passed 10-19-87.)
   1305.09 MEETINGS.
   The Architectural Review Board shall hold meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. The meetings shall be held in the office of the Building Commissioner unless the Chairman determines that they should be held in the Council Chambers in order to accommodate the public or those having business before the Board. In the event that there are no items to be considered by the Board, the Chairman may cancel a scheduled meeting.
(Ord. 86-31. Passed 12-15-86.)
   The Architectural Review Board shall receive and promptly review and pass upon all drawings, data and reports filed in the Building Department, in the order filed for the purposes set forth in this chapter, and according to rules and regulations duly adopted and published by the Board for the operation of its business, which rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the purposes of the Board or the provisions of this chapter. The Board shall immediately notify the Building Department in writing of action taken in each instance, and no building permit shall be issued unless plans and specifications therefor have been approved in writing by the Board. (Ord. 74-48. Passed 1-2-75.)
   (a)    All plans for new buildings, structures or exterior alterations shall be submitted to the Architectural Review Board with the applicable fee in accordance with the fee schedule as set forth in Section 1309.05, through the Building Commissioner. No permit shall be issued by the Building Commissioner unless plans and specifications shall have been first approved in writing by the Board upon the affirmative vote of a majority of its members present at a meeting of the Board. No meeting of the Board will occur until all fees are collected by the Building Commissioner.
(Ord. 95-53. Passed 8-21-95.)
   (b)    Six sets of plans shall be submitted. All drawings shall be identified as to sublot number, street name, development name, builder's name, owner's name if established, and date. Drawings shall include the following:
(Ord. 92-39. Passed 10-19-92.)
      (1)    Site and location plan, which shall show the existing adjacent finished grades and proposed finished grades relative to street grade. The plans should include sewer connection elevations.
      (2)    Basement or foundation plans at the scale of one-fourth inch equals one foot.
      (3)    All other floor plans at the scale of one-fourth inch equals one foot.
      (4)    All exterior elevations at the scale of one-fourth inch equals one foot minimum for houses.
      (5)    Roof plan for flat roof structures showing all projections, equipment, chimneys, etc. giving their heights above the roof line if not shown on the elevations. Method of screening exposed equipment shall be indicated.
      (6)    Sufficient scaled details including typical wall sections, special wall sections, special framing conditions, unusual exterior trim or material usage or any other information needed to thoroughly and clearly indicate the intended final configuration of the structure.
      (7)    Location of garages and driveways should be shown on the plot plan at the scale shown.
      (8)    All drawings shall be shown at a definite scale, as indicated, and shall be reproduced at the scale shown. The drawings and plans submitted shall be drawn as the building is proposed to be built. All drawings shall be done in a clear, well-defined and workmanlike manner. Any drawings submitted that are crude, unclear, inaccurate or confusing shall be rejected by the Architectural Review Board and shall be redrawn correctly and resubmitted.
      (9)    No changes in the proposed structure shall be made without revised drawings being resubmitted to the Board before construction is done. This includes items such as relocation, removal or addition of windows, changes in exterior materials and colors, changes in exterior details, etc.
      (10)    All houses shall meet the requirements to prevent look-alike structures being constructed too close together.
         (Ord. 92-36. Passed 10-5-92.)
   (c)    A schedule of exterior materials, finish and colors, must be shown on the drawings submitted. The Board shall request samples of exterior materials. Plans for remodeling buildings which affect the exterior appearance shall be accompanied by a drawing sufficient to show the existing building or with photographs of the existing building and surroundings.
(Ord. 87-24. Passed 10-19-87.)