   There is hereby established in the Village, an Architectural Review Board which shall consist of the Building Commissioner and five regular members appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the members of Council, for the following terms:
(Ord. 2015-22. Passed 10-19-15.)
   (a)    Two for a term expiring December 31, 1975;
   (b)    Two for a term expiring December 31, 1976;
   (c)    One for a term expiring December 31, 1977.
   All subsequent appointments to such Board shall be for terms of three years each.
(Ord. 74-48. Passed 1-2-75.)
   1305.02 VACANCY.
   In the event that any of the five regular members of the Architectural Review Board shall resign or for any reason be unable to complete his or her term of office, then the Mayor shall fill such vacancy by appointment. The appointee shall serve for the unexpired term. Such appointee shall have the qualifications set forth in Section 1305.04.
(Ord. 74-48. Passed 1-2-75.)
   The Mayor may at any time remove any member of the Architectural Review Board for inefficiency, neglect of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office, incapacity or incompetence, provided that such removal from office shall become effective after confirmation by the affirmative vote of four members of Council.
(Ord. 74-48. Passed 1-2-75.)