For the purpose of regulating and restricting the location of trades, industries, apartment houses, two-family houses and other uses of property, the number of square feet of lot area per family housed, the width of lots, the location and size of yards and the height of buildings, the Municipality is hereby divided into ten classes of use districts termed respectively:
         Class U-1 or Single-Family House Districts,
         Class U-2 or Two-Family House Districts,
         Class U-3 or Apartment House Districts,
         Class U-3AA or Restricted Multi-Story Apartment House District,
         Planned Residential Development District,
         Local Business District,
         Small Office Building District,
         Motorist Service District,
         Office Laboratory District, and
         Production-Distribution District,
and into three classes of area districts termed respectively:
         Class A-l,
         Class A-2, and
         Class A-3;
all as shown on the revised district and zone map prepared by the F.A. Pease Engineering Co., and duly approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and by Council and dated July 19, 1948, as amended, which revised district and zone map is made a part hereof. The use and area districts designations shown on the map are hereby established. The map designations and the map designation rules which accompany the map are hereby declared to be part thereof. No building or premises shall be erected or used except in conformity with the regulations herein prescribed for the use and area districts in which such building or premises is located.
(Ord. 89-24. Approved by voters 11-7-89; Ord. 2003-02. Passed 4-21-03.)