1113.24 USE.
(a) "Use" means any purpose for which buildings, other structures or land may be arranged, designed, intended, maintained or occupied; or any activity, occupation, business, profession or operation conducted in a building, other structure or on land.
(b) "Main use" means the principal purpose of or activity conducted in a building, other structure or land.
(c) "Accessory use" means a use located on the same zoning lot with the main use of the building, other structure or land, but incidental to the main building or land use.
(d) "Conditional use" means a use which may be permitted in specific districts subject to the compliance with certain standards and explicit conditions set forth in the Zoning Code and the granting of a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 69-38. Passed 4-20-70.)
1113.25 VARIANCE.
"Variance" means a modification of the zoning or building regulations, permitted in instances where a literal application of the provisions of the Zoning or Building Code would result in unnecessary hardships or practical difficulties as a result of some peculiar or unique condition or circumstance pertaining only to the zoning lot in question in accordance with procedures and standards set forth in the Zoning Code.
(Ord. 96-10. Passed 3-18-96.)
(a) "Yard" means that portion of the open area on a lot extending between a building and the nearest lot line, or certain uses and the nearest lot line as established in the Zoning Code.
(b) "Front yard" means the yard extending from the front wall of the building to the front lot line across the full width of the lot.
(c) "Rear yard" means the yard extending from the rear wall of the building to the rear lot line across the full width of the lot.
(d) "Side yard" means the yard extending between a side lot line and the nearest wall of the building, and from the front yard to the rear yard, provided that for a corner lot, the side yard extends from the front yard to the rear lot line on the street side.
(e) "Required yard" means the minimum yard required between a lot line and building line or the line of any parking area or any other use requiring a yard in order to comply with the zoning regulations of the district in which the zoning lot is located. A required yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground upward except for projections on buildings as permitted in the Zoning Code and except for walks, landscaping and other yard or site features.
(f) "Court" means an open space other than a yard, bounded on two or more sides by exterior walls of the building, or bounded by exterior walls of a building and lot lines.
(Ord. 69-38. Passed 4-20-70.)