   763.01 DEFINITIONS.
   For purposes of this chapter, the words and phrases used herein shall have the following meaning:
   (a)    "Pesticide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest or any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant.
   (b)    "User of pesticides" means any person who applies or causes pesticides to be applied to property or the atmosphere by any means where such person is engaged in applying pesticides to trees, lawns, shrubs and plants.
   (c)    All other definitions in the Ohio Pesticide Law as set forth in Ohio R.C. Chapter 921 are hereby incorporated herein as if fully rewritten.
      (Ord. 87-35. Passed 12-21-87.)
   All users of pesticides shall give notice to abutting property owners of the application of pesticides to any property within the Municipality. The notice required herein shall be in writing and shall be left in a conspicuous place upon such abutting properties at least twenty-four hours prior to any application of pesticides. The notice required herein shall also include the name of any pesticide to be used.
(Ord. 87-35. Passed 12-21-87.)