Obscenity and Sex Offenses
Obscenity and Sex Offenses
533.01 Definitions.
533.02 Presumption of knowledge; actual notice and defense.
533.03 Unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.
533.04 Sexual imposition.
533.05 Importuning.
533.06 Voyeurism.
533.07 Public indecency.
533.09 Soliciting.
533.10 Prostitution.
533.11 Disseminating matter harmful to juveniles.
533.12 Pandering obscenity. (Repealed)
533.13 Deception to obtain matter harmful to juveniles.
533.14 Pandering material involving a minor; illegal use of minor. (Repealed)
533.15 Displaying matter harmful to juveniles.
533.16 Possession of obscene material involving a child.
533.17 Unlawful advertising of massage.
533.18 Dissemination of private sexual images.
533.99 Penalty.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Complicity - see GEN. OFF. 501.10
Offensive conduct - see GEN. OFF. 509.03
Telephone harassment - see GEN. OFF. 537.10
Criminal trespass - see GEN. OFF. 541.05