For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   RUNOFF EQUIVALENT FACTOR (REF). Rates and charges for the use and availability of the system are to be determined through the use of a RUNOFF EQUIVALENT FACTOR. For the purposes of this chapter, one REF is defined as the ratio of the average volume of surface water runoff generated by one acre of a particular land use, to the average volume of runoff generated by one acre of typical single-family residential land, during a standard one-year rainfall event.
   STORMWATER UTILITY RATE. The charge to a typical single-family and duplex residential parcel shall be the STORMWATER UTILITY RATE. All developed single-family and duplex residential parcels shall be considered to have acreage of up to one acre.
(Ord. 113, passed 2-28-05)