(A)   Except as provided in division (B) below, it shall be unlawful for a person to restrain a dog with a chain or tether unless the person is holding the chain or tether.
   (B)   The prohibition of division (A) above does not apply to a temporary restraint:
      (1)   During a lawful animal event, such as walking on a leash, cleaning a dog pen, veterinary treatment, grooming, training or law enforcement activity; or
      (2)   That is required to protect the safety or welfare of a person or the dog, if the dog’s owner or handler remains with the dog throughout the period of restraint.
   (C)   A person restraining a dog with a chain or tether shall attach the chain or tether to a properly fitting collar or harness worn by the dog. A person may not wrap a chain or tether directly around a dog’s neck. A person may not restrain a dog with a chain or tether that weighs more than one-eighth of the dog’s body weight. A chain or tether used to restrain a dog must, by design and placement, be unlikely to become entangled.
   (D)   A person may not restrain a dog in a manner that does not allow the dog to have access to necessary shelter and water.
   (E)   A person may not restrain a dog in a manner that allows the dog to move outside the person’s property.
(Ord. 12-071, passed 10-15-2012) Penalty, see § 90.99