The following terms and phrases, when used in this subchapter, shall have the meanings ascribed in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
      ADMISSION CHARGE means any charge for the right or privilege to any entertainment or amusement and shall include, without being limited to, the following: all charges for space, seats, chairs, tables, benches, reserved or otherwise, and other similar accommodations; all charges made for the use or rental of equipment or facilities for purposes of entertainment and amusement; and all automobile parking charges in connection with any place of entertainment or amusement where the charge is determined by the number of passengers in an automobile; and any other charge normally made for admission, food, goods or services that in fact represent a charge for an entertainment or amusement.
      AMUSEMENT RIDE means any device, conveyance, seat, or vehicle designed or intended for occupancy by one or more persons, propelled electrically, mechanically, manually, or by an internal combustion engine, and which, when set in motion, conveys the occupants on or through a prescribed or repetitive course, over rails or tracks, or in a revolving, rotating, or undulating motion in a horizontal or vertical plane, or any combination thereof, and that provides either regular or startling and surprising motions and sensations for the occupants thereof, such as but not limited to, merry- go-rounds, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, tilt-a-whirls, loop-the-loop devices, bump and go-carts and other similar contrivances commonly known as carnival rides.
      ENTERTAINMENT or AMUSEMENT includes all forms of diversion, sport, pastime, or recreation, including, but not limited to, the following: amusement rides, carnivals, circuses, pony rides, motion pictures, plays, shows, and theatrical performances of all kinds, all sporting contests, and athletic events, exhibitions, concerts, lectures, skating, bowling, dancing, golf, swimming, billiards, pool, amusement parks, arcades, centers and places, and all forms of recreation therein, and coin-operated and mechanical devices of entertainment and games of skill or amusement.
      NOT-FOR-PROFIT. When used with respect to any entertainment or amusement, means an entertainment or amusement both operated and sponsored by any governmental agency or any not-for-profit civic, religious, or philanthropic agency, the admission charges for which are devoted exclusively to defraying the costs of such amusement or entertainment and to the furtherance of the purposes for which such agency is established.
      OPERATOR means any person who provides or conducts entertainments or amusements within the limits of the village for which an admission charge is collected or any person who engages in the sale of tickets for entertainments or amusements within the limits of the village for which an admission charge is collected. The term OPERATOR shall also mean any person (a "third party operator") who charges for the use or rental of facilities or equipment for the purposes of entertainment or amusement on premises that are owned, leased, possessed, or otherwise controlled by the third-party operator.
      PARTICIPATORY AMUSEMENT means any business premises used for entertainment or amusement in which the customer actively participates in the entertainment or amusement and shall include billiard parlors, pool halls, game rooms, miniature golf, go-cart tracks, and bowling alleys.
(Ord. 4540, passed 9-26-2022)