(A)   Engineer shall prepare.
      (1)   Whenever new construction is required in the development of a subdivision, an engineer shall prepare all plans, specifications and construction cost estimates. The engineer or engineering firm shall be approved by the Village Board of Trustees.
      (2)   If he or she so elects, and when so allowed by the Board of Trustees, the subdivider may contract with the village for the preparation of the engineering plans, specifications and cost estimates. These services will then be performed by the Village Engineer as directed by the Board of Trustees, provided that a deposit is placed in escrow payable to the village in accordance with the schedule then in effect between the village and the Village Engineer to cover the cost of engineering design services.
      (3)   All engineering plans are subject to the approval of the Plan Commission and the Board of Trustees.
   (B)   Required plans and drawings. The engineer shall submit to the Plan Commission triplicate copies of the aftermentioned plans, specifications and cost estimates bearing his or her signature and the imprint of his or her seal:
      (1)   Plans and specifications for street construction, including centerline profile and grade line of each street with a typical cross section of the roadway. The street plan shall show the location of drainage structures and their sizes. The profile at grade lines shall be shown to a scale of one inch equals 50 feet horizontal and one inch equals two feet vertical;
      (2)   Plans, details and specifications of proposed storm drainage improvements;
      (3)   Plans, details and specifications of proposed water distribution systems and of proposed water supply facilities;
      (4)   Plans, details and specifications of sewerage systems; and
      (5)   Plans, details and specifications of proposed street lighting systems, street signs and sidewalks.
   (C)   Supplementary plans and drawings. When unusual site conditions exist, the Plan Commission may require such additional plans, specifications and drawings as are found necessary for an adequate review of the plat. The Plan Commission shall request this additional material from the subdivider by letter, stating therein the information requested and the particular or unusual site conditions which make this information necessary.
(2000 Code, § 155.032) (Ord. 876, passed 8-4-1975)