(A) The preliminary plat shall be prepared by an engineer or surveyor, and shall be drawn or printed on paper at a scale of 100 feet to one inch, unless a different scale was approved at the sketch plan conference.
(B) This plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information.
(1) Title and certificate. Name under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded; location and position by quarter-quarter section, section, township, range, meridian, county and state; names and addresses of subdividers; notation stating scale, north arrow; and the following certificate:
State of Illinois, County of Cook, Village of Matteson |
Approved by Matteson Plan Commission at a meeting held this ______ day of __________, 20_____. |
_____________________________________ Chairperson |
Matteson Plan Commission |
Approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Matteson, Illinois, at a meeting held this ______ day of __________ A.D., 20_____ |
_____________________________________ President of the Board of Trustees |
_____________________________________ Village Clerk |
(2) Description of existing conditions.
(a) Boundary lines. Complete survey data such as angles, bearings, dimensions and curve data shall be shown for the exterior lines of the subdivision. The error of linear closure of the boundary survey shall not be greater than one in 5,000;
(b) Easements. Location, width and purpose of easements and other existing restrictions, reservations or covenants;
(c) Streets. Name, location, right-of-way width; also curbs, gutters, culverts, sidewalks and building setbacks;
(d) Utilities. Location and size of sanitary and storm sewers, fire hydrants and water mains; location of gas, electric and telephone lines. If water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the distance and direction to, and the size of, the nearest ones;
(e) Physical conditions. Existing contours at elevation intervals of one foot. Watercourses, marshes, bogs and areas subject to inundation; wooded areas; isolated preservable trees one foot or more in diameter;
(f) Human-made features. Houses, barns and other structures; other constructed features;
(g) Conditions on adjacent land. All of the requirements of plat preparation shall apply equally to the site being subdivided and to all land within 200 feet of its boundaries, waiving accuracy requirements as to scale of features, but not as to boundary lines;
(h) Proposed public improvements. Highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract, according to the information received from the Plan Commission at the sketch plan conference;
(i) Subsurface conditions. Depth of groundwater unless test pits are dry at a depth of eight feet; location and results of any tests made to ascertain subsurface soil and rock conditions; and
(j) Percolation tests. Percolation test data shall be submitted for all subdivisions of three or more lots to be served by individual sewage disposal systems.
(3) Proposals. All proposals of the subdivider, including:
(a) Name of subdivision. Must be original and not duplicate or be substantially similar to any existing subdivision located in the townships of Bloom, Rich, Thornton or Bremen in the county;
(b) Streets. Unduplicated names to be approved by the Board of Trustees; right-of-way and roadway widths; radius of curvature; length of curve and tangent sections; and similar data for alleys, if any;
(c) Easement rights-of-way. Location, width and purpose;
(d) Lot lines and approximate dimensions;
(e) Sites, if any, to be used for the following: industrial, commercial, public or semi-public, multi-family or other than single-family residential;
(f) Sites to be reserved or dedicated for any public or semi-public use;
(g) Minimum building setback lines;
(h) Site data. A tabulation of gross area, street area, other dedicated area, net subdivided area, number of lots, average lot size, typical lot dimensions and lineal feet of street; and
(i) Proposed contours of the finished subdivision for all areas when original ground elevations are changed by more than three feet.
(4) Additional approval. Where the preliminary plat contains utility easements, the plat shall be accompanied by a written statement bearing the signature of an authorized employee of the utility company attesting to the suitability of the easements for the purpose shown.
(2000 Code, § 155.031) (Ord. 876, passed 8-4-1975)