Within 30 calendar days after a complaint has been received or initiated by the Commission, the Fair Housing Administrator shall conduct an investigation of the complaint and shall determine either that:
(A) There are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of this chapter has occurred, in which case the Fair Housing Administrator shall then initiate the conciliation process of § 94.31; or
(B) There are not reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of this chapter has occurred, in which case the Fair Housing Administrator shall then dismiss the complaint by preparing a written notice of dismissal, including the reasons therefor, and notify the parties of the dismissal, within five days, by serving a copy of the notice of dismissal by certified mail on the parties. The notice of dismissal shall advise the complainant of his or her or her right of appeal under this section. Within 14 days of receipt of the notice of dismissal, the complainant may appeal by filing a written request with the Commission for a review of the complaint. By a majority vote, the Commission may overrule the dismissal and refer the complaint to the Fair Housing Administrator for conciliation pursuant to § 94.31.
(2000 Code, § 94.30) (Ord. 1207, passed 4-2-1984)