(A)   No person, firm or corporation shall be allowed to have a local alarm on or in any building, place or premises within the municipality without first having obtained an alarm permit.
   (B)   Local alarms are those alarms that sound audibly on the premises of the owner, renter or lessee. Local alarms may be in addition to a central receiving station alarm. All local alarms shall be equipped with an automatic shut-off device which will deactivate within 30 minutes of the initial alarm. The person owning or operating an outside ringer shall have one year from the date of the amendatory ordinance to provide such automatic shut-off.
   (C)   It shall be the sole responsibility of the persons owning or operating a local alarm to maintain the system at the sole expense of the owner or operator.
   (D)   In addition to all other remedies provided by ordinance, the Chief of Department or his or her authorized representative, whenever he or she shall have knowledge of the misuse or improper maintenance of a local alarm system, may order the removal or deactivation of the system and the revocation of the alarm permit.
   (E)   Alarms affixed to vehicles of any type are not classified as local alarms and are exempt.
(Ord. 4272, passed 6-1-2015; Ord. 4475, passed 10-18-2021)