(A)   Application for overweight and overdimension permits. Applications for all overweight and overdimension permits shall be submitted in the method and form required by the Chief of Police or his or her designee and shall include at a minimum:
      (1)   The type of vehicle;
      (2)   The weights and dimensions of the vehicle(s);
      (3)   The description of the load;
      (4)   The requested route to be taken by the vehicle;
      (5)   The destination of the vehicle; and
      (6)   The name of the carrier, if different from the applicant.
   (B)   Issuance of overweight or overdimension permits. Upon receipt of a completed application and proof of payment of the fee, the Chief of Police or designee may issue an overweight or overdimension permit, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   In consideration of seasonal or other time limitations, the Chief of Police or desingee may restrict the number of time of daily trips authorized by each permit, as is consistent with the public safety.
      (2)   In establishing the routes to be traveled, the Chief of Police or designee may establish the route consistent with public safety, taking into consideration existing traffic, the character of the road or roads and the configuration of the terrain.
      (3)   All permits shall be nontransferable and shall be valid only for the applicant or his or her agent or employee and the specific vehicle listed on the application.
      (4)   Every permit shall be carried in the vehicle in paper or electronic form to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any police officer, or agent of the village.
      (5)   No refunds of the permit fee shall be made to the applicant following the issuance of a permit.
      (6)   The applicant shall comply with all township, village, county and state statutes, ordinance, regulations, rules and requirements.
      (7)   Altering or falsifying a permit will revoke the applicant’s permit privileges for 12 months.
      (8)   The Chief of Police or his or her designee is authorized to create and amend reasonable provision for permits.
   (C)   Fee schedule for permits. Overweight permits for an overweight vehicle, including load, may be applied for and may be granted per the fee schedule as set forth in this section.
      (1)   Limited continuous operation (LCO) overweight permits.
         (a)   LCO permits are issued to a single power unit and may tow or carry non-divisible, interchangeable loads for the duration of the permit. The maximum gross weight for any LCO permit is 120,000 pounds.
         (b)   Permits for limited continuous operation shall be based on the following fee schedule:
$50 daily
Expires at 11:59 the date of issue
$250 weekly
Valid for 7 days from the requested date and time of issuance
$500 monthly
Valid for 30 days from the requested date and time of issuance
      (2)   Other loads. Permits for non-divisible overweight (includes any overdimension) movements shall be based on the following fee schedule:
Weight (with load)
Single Trip*
Round Trip**
Up to 100,000 lb
100,001 to 120,000 lb
120,001 to 150,000 lb
Over 150,000 lb
* Single trip: One move from the point of origin to the point of destination. Any additional stops between the pont of origin and the point of destination are expressly prohibited. Single trip permits are valid for five days from the requested date and time.
** Round trip: Two trips over the same route in opposite directions. Any additional stops between the point of origin and point of destination (and reverse) are expressly prohibited. Round trip permits shall be valid for a period of time not to exceed ten days from the date and time of issuance.
      (3)   Overdimension only permits. Overdimension only permits may be applied for and may be granted in the amount of $50 for single trips and $100 for round trips.
(Ord. 4369, passed 7-16-2018) Penalty, see 75.99