(A)   Standing committees shall be appointed by the President from the members of the Board of Trustees, by and with the advice and consent of the Board, at or before the second regular meeting in each fiscal year, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable. Should the Board of Trustees reject appointments for the standing committees as presented by the President, he or she shall resubmit a second recommendation at the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. Should the Board of Trustees reject the second recommendation of the President, the Board of Trustees may at that time propose from its own members names of those who will serve on the committees by a majority vote of the membership of the Board. In the event of a tie, the Village President shall vote to break the tie. The Board of Trustees may add a third member from its membership to any committee as it deems necessary. Vacancies, if any occur, shall be filled in the same way.
   (B)   Standing committees shall investigate, study, report and recommend to the full Board of Trustees on matters pertaining to legislative action and executive policy at the request of the President or Village Administrator and shall have no executive or administrative authority. All actions of the standing committees shall be limited to the matters or activities with which the particular committee may be concerned, as established herein under division (C) below.
   (C)   There shall be six standing committees having responsibilities as follows.
      (1)   The Community Affairs and Economic Development Committee shall be responsible for matters pertaining to public relations, information, community relations, intercommunity relations and other public and service agencies. It shall be the liaison with the Library Board, Historical Society, school districts and civic organizations.
      (2)   The Finance and Administration Committee shall be responsible for matters pertaining to village financial policy, accounting practices, investments, auditing, insurance, personnel administration, budget preparation and business licenses.
      (3)   The Public Services - Public Works and Parks and Recreation Committee shall be responsible for matters pertaining to streets, sewers, street lights, sidewalks, water system, storm drainage, public buildings, cable television system, municipal waste management and miscellaneous village property, as well as matters pertaining to park site development, recreation programming and community beautification concerns. It shall be the liaison with the Citizens’ Advisory Board.
      (4)   The Regulatory Services - Building, Planning and Engineering Committee shall be responsible for matters pertaining to community development, land use, comprehensive planning, development regulations and building. It shall be the liaison with the Plan Commission, the Zoning Board and regional agencies.
      (5)   The Public Safety - Police, Fire Committee shall be responsible for matters pertaining to the police and fire protection, paramedic service, traffic control, construction codes and emergency preparedness. It shall be the liaison with the Fire and Police Commission.
      (6)   The Health, Environmental and Capital Planning Committee shall be responsible for matters of general health concerns and environmental issues to provide, maintain and ensure a healthful living environment in the village, and also for the consideration, preparation and implementation of long range capital planning.
   (D)   Each committee shall consist of two Trustees, unless otherwise deemed necessary, one of whom shall be designated by the President as Chairperson, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, and the President who shall, ex officio, be a member of each committee. Should the Board of Trustees reject the designated Chairperson for each standing committee as presented by the President, he or she shall resubmit a second recommendation at the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. Should the Board of Trustees reject the second recommendation of the President, the Board of Trustees may at that time propose from its own membership a Chairperson by a majority vote of the Board. In the event of a tie vote, the Village President shall vote to break the tie.
(2000 Code, § 30.62) (Ord. 1102, passed 5-18-1981; Ord. 1167, passed 1-17-1983; Ord. 1452, passed 10-1-1990; Ord. 2033, passed 5-16-2005)