(A)   While the presiding officer is putting the question or while business is being transacted, no Trustee shall leave the Board of Trustees’ chamber except by consent of the presiding officer. No Trustee shall speak or offer a motion without first addressing the chair and being recognized.
   (B)   In speaking during the discussion of any question, members of the Board of Trustees shall confine their remarks to the question under debate, avoiding personalities and refraining from impugning the motives of any other member of the Board or the staff. Members of the Board of Trustees shall not speak more than once upon any subject until other members of the Board who wish to speak shall have relinquished the floor.
   (C)   A Trustee, when called to order by the presiding officer, shall thereupon discontinue speaking on the order of the presiding officer, which order shall be binding and conclusive, subject only to right of appeal as provided in § 30.25.
   (D)   Every Trustee present when a question is stated shall vote thereon, unless excused by the Board, or unless he or she has a personal interest in the question.
(2000 Code, § 30.22) (Ord. 4047, passed 6-21-2010)