For the purpose of this title, certain terms and words are defined as follows:
BUILDING LINE: A line on a plat between which line and a street, alley, or private place no building or structures may be erected.
   METES AND BOUNDS: The method used to describe a tract of urban land intended to be used for dwellings or other purposes, so that it can be recorded in the county recorder's office, as contrasted with a description of a part of a property approved and recorded as a subdivision plat by the lot and block number.
   PLAT: A map, drawing, or chart on which the subdivider's plan of the subdivision is presented and which he submits for approval and intends in final form to record.
   SUBDIVISION: A subdivision of land is either:
   A.   The division of land into three (3) or more lots, sites or parcels;
   B.   Establishment or dedication of a road, highway, street or alley through a tract of land regardless of division or area; or
   C.   Resubdivisions of land heretofore divided or platted into lots, sites, or parcels; provided, however, that the sale or exchange of small parcels of land to or between adjoining property owners, where such sale or exchange does not create additional lots, shall not be considered as a subdivision of land. Any resubdivision of recorded lots or tracts, which now front and are proposed to front upon an existing street and where a total of not more than four (4) new lots or sites are proposed to be created, shall be submitted to the village board for checking the proposed resubdivision with the design standards of this title and with the requirements of other village regulations, and if the proposed resubdivision conforms to such regulations and requirements, the village board may waive the other requirements of this title and the lots may be transferred by metes and bounds or by other legal descriptions.
   SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: This title may be referred to and known as "the subdivision ordinance" or "this title".
   VILLAGE: Village of Matherville, Mercer County, Illinois.
   VILLAGE BOARD: Duly elected members to the village board of trustees of the village of Matherville, Mercer County, Illinois. (1993 Code § 8-1-1)