(a)   Organization.
      Rule 1.   Within thirty days from the commencement of their term, the members of Council shall elect a Clerk of Council, who shall serve at the pleasure of Council. Council shall fix the duties, bonds, and compensation of the Clerk of Council. Council may also appoint any other employee of Council, as may be necessary, and may fix their duties, bonds and compensation.
            (Od. 29-2020. Passed 4-6-20.)
      Rule 1.1   Within thirty days of the commencement of their term, the members of Council shall elect a Parliamentarian of Council, who shall consist of one of the elected and/or appointed members that are elected and/or appointed as either ward representative or at-large representatives. Duties of Parliamentarian of Council shall be to act as support of the President of Council regarding procedure or rules of Council. At the discretion of the President of Council, they may request the opinion of the Parliamentarian of Council on questions related to the Rules of Council or Robert's Rules of Order when appropriate. This rule does not override the privileges granted in Rule 16 to the President of Council.
            (Ord. 25-2022. Passed 2-7-22.)
      Rule 2.   Nominations shall be made from the floor, and, after nominations have been closed, the chair shall appoint two tellers. Voting shall be by ballot; and a majority of those present shall be required for an election. In case no election results from the first two ballots, the candidate receiving the fewest number of votes on the second ballot, shall be dropped from the list of nominees; and similar procedure shall be followed with each subsequent ballot until an election results.
            All elections by Council shall be conducted in a similar manner.
   (b)   Powers and Duties.
      Rule 3.    When the office of Councilperson becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Ohio R. C. 731.43.
      Rule 4.   Council shall be the judge of the election and qualification of its members. A majority of all the members elected shall be a quorum to do business, but a less number may adjourn from day to day and compel attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as are prescribed by ordinance. Council shall provide rules for the manner of calling special meetings.
      Rule 5.     Council shall determine its own rules and keep a journal of its proceedings. It may punish or expel any member for disorderly conduct or violation of its rules, and declare their seat vacant for absence having continued for two months. No expulsion shall take place without the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members elected, and until the delinquent member has been notified of the charge or charges against them, and has had an opportunity to be heard.
      Rule 6.   Council shall have the management and control of the finances and property of the City, except as may otherwise be provided, and have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred by law.
      Rule 7.   Council shall not enter into any contract which is not to go into full operation during the term for which all the members of such Council are elected.
      Rule 8.    Regular meetings of Council shall be held on the first and third Monday of each month in the Council Chambers in the Municipal Government Center, at 6:30 p.m., except on a Monday when the building is closed for a holiday, then Council shall meet on the following day, (Tuesday), but Council may adjourn any regular or special meetings to meet at any time within three weeks.
      Rule 8.1   Committee meetings of Council shall be held on the second and last Monday of each month in the Council Chambers in the Municipal Government Center, at 6:30 p.m., except on a Monday when the building is closed for a holiday, the Council shall meet on the following day, (Tuesday). Committee meetings will begin with the Community Development, then other committees alphabetically, with Finance last. During each respective committee meeting all members of Council may be seated at the table. Any correspondence from a non-committee member shall be ushered through the committee chairperson and follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
      Rule 9.   The Mayor, or any three members may call special meetings upon at least a twelve hour notice to each member, served personally or left at their usual place of residence.
      Rule 10.   No business shall be transacted at any special meeting of Council except the particular business for the transaction of which the meeting may be called; and the notice required by law to be served upon each member requiring their attendance upon the special meeting, shall contain a statement of the business for the transaction of which such special meeting may be called.
            (Ord. 29-2020. Passed 4-6-20.)
      Rule 11.   Order of business:
            1.   Roll call.
            2.   Invocation.
            3.   Pledge of allegiance.
            4.   Reading of the journal.
            5.   Remarks of delegations and citizens to matters on the agenda.
            6.   New and miscellaneous business.
            7.   Introduction of ordinances and resolutions.
            8.   Unfinished business.
            9.   Petitions and general communications.
            10.   Bills, accounts and claims.
            11.   Reports from City officials.
            12.   Reports of committees.
            13.   Resolutions and requests of Council member.
            14.   Call of the calendar.
            15.   Third reading ordinances and resolutions.
            16.   Second reading ordinances and resolutions.
            17.   Remarks of delegations and citizens to matters not on the agenda.
            18.   Adjournment. (Ord. 30-2020. Passed 4-6-20.)
      Rule 12.   (A)   Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, the President of the legislative authority of a City shall be elected for a term of two years, commencing on the first day of January next after their election. They shall be an elector of the City, and shall preside at all regular and special meetings of such legislative authority, but they shall have no vote therein except in case of a tie.
            (B)   A City legislative authority may, by majority vote, adopt a resolution causing the Board of Elections to submit to the City electors the question of whether the term of office of the President of the legislative authority should be changed from two to four years. The question shall be voted upon at the next general election occurring not less than seventy-five days after the certification of the resolution to the Board of Elections. If a majority of the votes cast on the question is in the affirmative, the term of office of the President of the legislative authority shall be four years effective on the first day of January following the next regular municipal election.
               A City legislative authority whose President's term of office is four years may, by majority vote, adopt a resolution causing the Board of Elections to submit to the City electors the question of whether the President's term should be changed from four to two years. The question shall be voted upon at the next general election occurring not less than seventy-five days after the certification of the resolution to the Board of Elections. If a majority of the votes cast on the question is in the affirmative, the term of the office of the President of the legislative authority shall be two years effective on the first day of January following the next regular municipal election.
      Rule 13.   When the Mayor is absent from the City, or is unable for any cause to perform their duties, the President of Council shall be the Acting Mayor. While the President of Council is acting as Mayor, they shall not serve as President of Council.
      Rule 14.   In case of the death, resignation, or removal of the Mayor, the President of the legislative authority of the City shall become the Mayor, and shall hold the office for the unexpired term. Thereupon the President Pro Tempore of such legislative authority shall become President thereof for the unexpired term, and shall have the same rights, duties, and powers as their predecessor. The vacancy thus created in the legislative authority shall be filled for the unexpired term as provided in Ohio R. C. 731.43, and such legislative authority shall elect another President Pro Tempore to hold such office for the unexpired term.
      Rule 15.   The President of Council shall take the chair at the time and place so designated for any meeting, and shall immediately call Council to order. In the absence of the President, the President Pro Tem shall act in their seat and in the absence of both officers, the Clerk of Council shall call Council to order, and, if a quorum shall then be present, Council may then select one of their number to act as President.
      Rule 16.   The President shall have general control of the Council Chamber, shall preserve order and decorum and decide questions of order, and may, call to order any member who violates the rules. They may speak upon any question, if not objected to by a member, after calling the President Pro Tem or a member to the chair.
      Rule 17.   The President shall appoint all special committees with the approval of Council, and the first named of any committee shall be chairman of same. (Ord. 29-2020. Passed 4-6-20.)
      Rule 18.   Each standing committee shall consist of a Chairperson and two additional members. Each member of Council shall be responsible for serving as the Chairperson of one standing committee and sitting on at least two other standing committees.
      Rule 18.1   Not later than the first regular meeting succeeding the organization of Council, in each term, the President of Council shall present an assignment of standing committees for Council's consideration. Council shall approve or reject the President of Council's assignment of standing committees by a motion, duly seconded, and with the concurrence of an affirmative majority vote of all members of Council.
      Rule 18.2   Any member of Council may propose an alternative assignment of standing committees. However, no such alternative assignment of standing committees shall be acted upon until Council either approves or rejects the President of Council's assignment of standing committees. If the President of Council's assignment of standing committees is rejected, debate shall continue until Council approves an alternative assignment of standing committees by a motion, duly seconded, and with the concurrence of an affirmative majority vote of all members of Council.
      Rule 18.3   At any regular meeting, Council may, by a motion, duly seconded, and with the concurrence of an affirmative majority vote of all members of Council, change the membership of any committee of Council. (Ord. 4-2021. Passed 1-19-21.)
      Rule 19.   Standing Committees.
            1.   Finance Committee - to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to: finances, appropriations, budget requests, salaries, wages and benefits, indebtedness, taxation, payment of moneys, damages, claims.
            2.    Streets, Highways, Traffic and Safety Committee - to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to: streets, alleys, curbs, sidewalks, bridges, drainage ditches, areas between curb line and private property line, grade crossings, the street department, vehicular and pedestrian traffic control and safety, parking meters, meter maids, on and off-street parking, street marking, signs and paintings.
            3.    Public Utilities and Environmental Committee - to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to: privately operated public utilities, such as electric light, water, gas, telephone, bus, taxi, railroads, pipe lines, street lighting, and fire hydrants; and all matters pertaining to sanitary sewer system and disposal plant, storm water sewer system, waste and garbage collection and disposal, drains, and the sewer and waste collection departments.
            4.    Police and Fire Committee - to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to: the Police and Fire Departments;
special and auxiliary policemen and firemen, school police, police and fire pension funds, ambulance service, vehicular licensing.
            5.    Economic Development Committee - to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to: the attraction, promotion, retention, and expansion of industrial and commercial enterprises of interest to the City tax incentive and abatement programs, Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC), economic development agreements, and economic development inducement grants.
            6.    Health, Welfare and Building Regulations Committee - to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to: public health and sanitation, air and stream pollution, nuisances, direct and work relief, unemployment, social service, initiative and referendum petitions, civil defense, the health and relief departments, heating code, building regulations and building department.
            7.    Parks and Recreation Committee - to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to: public and private parks and recreational facilities, City buildings and property, natural waterways, canal lands, park and flood control departments and the City owned golf course.
            8.    Community Development - to which shall be referred all matters pertaining to: new municipal undertakings, redistricting, planning, allotments, subdivision regulations, rehabilitation, redevelopment or conservation of property, zoning, commercial signs, Planning Commission, annexation, and purchase or sale of land.
            9.    Rules, Courts and Civil Service Committee - to which shall be referred to all matters pertaining to: City manpower planning, job evaluation and descriptions, and shall be Council's representation negotiations, the Massillon Municipal court, including the Massillon Municipal Clerk's Office, the Massillon City Law Department, Council rules and Criminal Offenses.
               (Ord. 143-2021. Passed 11-1-21.)
   (c)   All Meetings to be Open.
      Rule 19.1   All meetings of Council shall be public meetings, open to the public at all times, unless otherwise provided by law. No resolution, rule, regulation or formal action of any kind shall be adopted at any executive session of Council.
   (d)   Reports of Committees and City Officers.
      Rule 20.   The standing and select committees of Council shall have leave to report by ordinance or otherwise.
      Rule 21.   All reports of committees shall be in writing and signed by such members as concur therein and the same shall be read by the Clerk, or by the member making the report, unless the reading be dispensed with by assent of Council.
      Rule 22.   All reports of committees or City officials shall be made in writing when requested by Council. Any such request made by Council shall be reduced to writing before any action shall be required to be taken thereon.
      Rule 22.1   All reports of committees, reports or requests from City officials and other written communications to Council, from Council committees shall be in the hands of the Clerk of Council not later than 9:00 a.m., Wednesday prior to the time of regular meeting. Such provisions may be waived only by a majority vote of the members elected at any Council meeting so as to permit the reading and reference of any report, request or communications which has not been in the hands of the Clerk prior to 9:00 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to the time of the next regular meeting of Council. This rule shall not apply to a special meeting of Council.
      Rule 22.2   Reports and communications to Council will be directed to the appropriate Council committee(s) as ordered by the President of Council, unless directed otherwise by Council.
      Rule 22.3   Any communication from any City employee under the jurisdiction of the Safety and Service Director, shall be referred to the Director for review and recommendations before being read by the Clerk of Council at any regular meeting.
            Any communication from any employee in the Department of Treasurer, Auditor, Law Director or Mayor shall be referred to the Head of the Department from which the communication originated, for review and recommendations before being read by the Clerk of Council at any meeting.
      Rule 23.   If any matter, ordinance, resolution, question or report referred by Council to a committee or City official, be not reported upon on or before the second meeting from the time of such request, the same may be called up by the President or any member of Council and further action taken thereon.
   (e)   Committee of the Whole.
      Rule 24.   The Committee of the Whole, shall consist of the members of Council only, but the President of Council shall be ex-officio a member of the Committee of the Whole. In forming a Committee of the Whole, the President shall leave the chair, and the President Pro-Tem shall preside. The rules of procedure shall be the same as in Council, insofar as practicable.
      Rule 24.1   The Clerk of Council shall prepare an agenda for the next Council meeting after 9:00 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to the time of the next regular meeting of Council. Subject agenda shall be available in the Municipal Government Center by 12:00 noon on the Friday prior to the time of the next regular meeting of Council. Subject agenda shall be available to the public and contain a listing of brief title of all: communications to Council, resolutions and requests of Council or Councilpersons, reports by and to Council, new resolutions and ordinances, ordinances and resolutions for second reading and ordinances and resolutions which are to have their third reading. Subject agenda shall constitute the official business to come before Council at their next regular meeting. This rule shall not apply to a special meeting of Council.
   (f)   Ordinances and Resolutions.
      Rule 25.   The action of Council shall be by ordinance or resolution, and on the passage of each ordinance or resolution the vote shall be taken by "yes" and "no" and entered upon the journal. This procedure shall not apply to the ordering of an election, or direction by Council to any Board or officer to furnish Council with information as to the affairs of any Department or office. No by-law, ordinance or resolution of a general or permanent nature shall be passed unless it has been fully and distinctly read, at least by title only on three different days, and with respect to any such by-law, ordinance or resolution, there shall be no, authority to dispense with this rule, except by a three-fourths vote of all members elected to Council, and entered on the journal. No ordinance shall be passed by Council without the concurrence of a majority of all members elected thereto.
      Rule 25.1   All ordinances and resolutions to be placed on the agenda for a Council meeting shall be in the Council Clerk's hands no later than 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, prior to the meeting at which the ordinance or resolution is to be introduced. This rule may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of the elected members of Council.
            (Ord. 29-2020. Passed 4-6-20.)
      Rules 25.2   Any ordinance accepting capital budget awards from the General Assembly of the State of Ohio shall be preceded by an ordinance or resolution stating City Council’s support of the project.
            (Ord. 91-2022. Passed 7-18-22.)
      Rule 26.   Ordinances or resolutions presented on reports of a committee, or by any member of the Council shall be considered in the order in which they are presented unless Council shall otherwise direct.
      Rule 27.   Any member of Council may present or request an ordinance or resolution, not appearing on the agenda, to Council for referral by the presiding officer to the appropriate committee. If opposition is made to the presented or requested legislation, the question shall be, "shall the ordinance or resolution be rejected?". If it be not rejected, it shall be referred to the appropriate committee by the presiding officer without debate.
      Rule 27.1   Upon referral of a Council member's presented or requested ordinance or resolution by the presiding officer to the appropriate committee, such committee shall report on same with or without amendment, as the committee may deem best, on or before the second regularly scheduled meeting of Council from the time of presentation or request.
      Rule 28.   Any two members of Council may sponsor an ordinance or resolution and have it placed on the agenda for Council action. If such legislation is sponsored by two members, both not of the appropriate sponsoring committee, the sponsorship is deemed "non-committee".
      Rule 28.1   All non-committee sponsored ordinances or resolutions appearing on the agenda for Council action shall be given first reading only, and, unless otherwise ordered by Council, be referred by the presiding officer to the appropriate committee, which shall report on same with or without amendment, as the committee may deem best, on or before the second regularly scheduled meeting of Council from the time of first reading.
      Rule 28.2   A non-committee sponsored ordinance or resolution may only be placed on the agenda for second reading, third reading, and passage by leave of a majority vote of the elected member, of Council, and only after the second regularly scheduled meeting of Council from the time of first reading.
      Rule 29.   Ordinances or resolutions shall receive the approval of two members of the appropriate sponsoring committee before passage, and in case they are introduced for first reading without such approval, shall be referred without debate to the appropriate committee for consideration in accordance with Rule 28.1, unless this rule shall be temporarily suspended by the concurrence of a majority vote of the elected members to Council.
      Rule 29.1   Approval of two members of the appropriate sponsoring committee may be given in writing or verbally to the Clerk of Council enabling the subject legislation to be placed on the agenda. Members are responsible for contacting the Clerk.
      Rule 30.   All committee sponsored ordinances and resolutions placed on the agenda for Council action shall be first read on the day of introduction, and, unless otherwise ordered by Council, shall be laid on the table until the next regular meeting of Council, when the same shall be read a second time, and, unless otherwise ordered by Council, shall be laid on the table until the next regular meeting of Council, when the same shall be read a third time, and, unless otherwise acted on, the final vote shall be taken thereon and recorded in the journal and the concurrence of a majority of the elected members to Council shall suffice for adoption.
      Rule 31.   The largest sum and longest time shall be put first in cases where different sums or different times are named.
      Rule 32.   All ordinances and resolutions shall be known by their number, author, and title. Ordinances and resolutions shall be numbered consecutively, beginning with the number one, each year, and the number shall be followed by the year of introduction.
   (g)   Mayor's Veto.
      Rule 33.   Every ordinance or resolution of Council shall, before it goes into effect, be presented to the Mayor for approval. The Mayor, if approved, shall sign and return it forthwith to Council. If not approved, they shall within ten days after its passage or adoption return it with their objections to Council, or if Council is not in session, to the next regular meeting thereof, which objections Council shall cause to be entered upon its journal. The Mayor may approve or disapprove the whole or any item of an ordinance appropriating money. If he does not return such ordinance or resolution within the time limited in this section, it shall take effect in the same manner as if they had signed it, unless Council by adjournment prevents its return. When the Mayor disapproves an ordinance or resolution, or any part thereof, and returns it to Council with their objections, Council may, after ten days reconsider it, and if such ordinance, resolution or item, upon such reconsideration is approved by the vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to Council, it shall then take effect as if signed by the Mayor.
   (h)   Roll Call.
      Rule 34.   In calling the roll upon any vote, the Clerk shall call the names of the members in their alphabetical order and in a rotating manner so that each ordinance and resolution shall be first voted on by a different member of Council until all members have so voted, and before the announcement of the vote by the presiding officer, the Clerk shall, upon demand of any member, read the vote so taken.
   (i)   Call of the Council.
      Rule 35.   Any member shall have the right to demand a call of Council, and on such demand the Clerk shall call the roll and note in the journal the absentees.
            The presiding officer shall direct a sergeant-at-arms or some member to notify the absentees that important business demands their presence in Council Chambers at once, and, until all further proceedings under the call are dispensed with, no business shall be transacted.
   (j)   Motions.
      Rule 36.   When a question or proposition is before Council, or under debate, no motion shall be entertained except the following:
            1.   To adjourn.
            2.   To lay on the table.
            3.   For the previous question.
            4.   To postpone to a day certain.
            5.   To commit or amend.
            6.   To postpone indefinitely.
            Such motions shall have precedence in the order above arranged except that the motion to adjourn shall always be in order, unless Council is engaged in voting. The motion to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous question, and to postpone indefinitely shall be decided without debate.
   (k)   Previous Question.
      Rule 37.   When the previous question shall be moved and seconded by two members, it shall be put in these words: "Shall the main question now be put?", and until decided shall preclude all further debate and all amendments of the main question, and all further amendments of any pending amendments and all further debate thereon except one motion to adjourn and one motion to lay on the table but pending amendments shall be put in their proper order before the main question.
            Should the previous question be decided in the negative, the subject under consideration shall not thereby be postponed, but the business shall proceed as if no such call had been made.
      Rule 38.   All incidental questions or questions of order arising after the motion for the previous question shall have been made, shall be decided, whether on appeal or otherwise, without debate.
      Rule 39.   On a motion for a previous question and prior to voting on the same, a call of Council shall be in order, but after demand for the previous question shall have been sustained no call shall be in order, and Council shall be brought to an immediate vote, first upon the pending amendments in the inverse order of their age, and then upon the main question.
   (l)   Reconsideration.
      Rule 40.   A motion to reconsider, shall take precedence over all other questions; only a member who was absent and excused or who voted with the prevailing side may move a reconsideration of any action of Council, and provided that the motion to reconsider be made not later than the next regular meeting, after such action was taken. No motion to reconsider shall be made more than once on any one matter or subject, and the same number of votes shall be required to reconsider any action of Council that are required to pass or adopt the same.
   (m)   Undebatable Questions.
      Rule 41.   All questions are debatable, except:
            1.   To adjourn.
            2.   To take a recess.
            3.   To fix a time at which to reassemble.
            4.   The previous question.
            5.   To withdraw a motion.
            6.   To suspend a rule.
            7.   To lay on the table.
            8.   To take from the table.
            9.   Question-point of order.
            10.   Question of consideration-objection.
            11.   To proceed to the order of the day.
            12.   To indefinitely postpone.
            13.   All questions relating to the priority of business.
      Rule 42.   After a motion is stated by the President or read by the Clerk, it shall be deemed to be in possession of Council, but may be withdrawn by leave of Council at any time before division or amendment.
      Rule 43.   All questions, except privileged questions, shall be put in the order in which they arise.
      Rule 44.   A motion to adjourn to a day certain or indefinitely shall not again be allowed at the same stage of the ordinance or proposition.
      Rule 45.   A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, but, being decided in the negative, shall not again be entertained until some motion, call, order or discussion shall have taken place.
   (n)   Questions of Order.
      Rule 46.   If any member, in speaking or otherwise, transgresses the rules of Council, the President shall, or any member may, call them to order; and the member called shall take their seat, if required to do so by the President, until the question of order is decided.
      Rule 47.   All questions of order shall be decided by the President without debate. Such decision shall be subject to an appeal to Council by any member, on which appeal no member shall speak more than once unless by leave of Council, and the President may speak in preference to other members in rising from their seat for that purpose.
      Rule 48.   If the decision be in favor of the member called to order, they shall be at liberty to proceed; if otherwise, he shall not be at liberty to proceed, in case any member objects, without leave of Council.
   (o)   Duties of Members.
      Rule 49.   Whenever a member wishes to speak, they shall raise his or her hand to obtain acknowledgement for the presiding officer. On acknowledgement of the President, who shall announce the name of the member to speak, the member shall first address the President, and then speak from their seat or from the seat of any other member tendered to them for the purpose.
      Rule 50.   In all cases the member who shall first address the chair, shall speak first.
      Rule 51.   No member shall speak more than twice on the same question, unless by leave of Council; they shall confine themselves to the question under debate, and shall avoid personality.
      Rule 52.   Any member discussing a question may read from books, papers or documents or any matter pertinent to the subject under consideration, or may require the Clerk so to read, without asking leave.
      Rule 53.   Any member may call for a statement of the question, which the President may give sitting.
      Rule 54.   Any member may call for a division of the question, and the decision of the President shall be subject to appeal, as in questions of order.
      Rule 55.   Any member may excuse themselves from serving on any committee, with consent of Council.
      Rule 56.   Every member present when the question is put shall vote, unless Council, for special reasons, shall excuse themselves, or unless the member states that he or she has a conflict of interest and in good conscience he or she cannot vote on the question. A request to be excused from voting shall not be in order unless made before Council divides, or before the call of yes and no is commenced; and any member requesting to be excused from voting may make a brief verbal statement of their reasons for making such request; and the question shall then be taken up without further debate.
      Rule 57.   When the President is putting any question, or is addressing Council, no one shall walk across the hall; and while a member is speaking, no one shall pass between him and the chair.
No member or other person shall remain at the Clerk's desk while a vote is being called or ballots being counted.
      Rule 58.   Any member has the right to demand the yes and no on any question before the question is put; and upon the call for the yeas and no the Clerk shall call the names of the members alphabetically.
      Rule 59.   An appeal to Council from the decision of the chair may be taken by any member, if duly seconded and on such appeal the question shall be stated as follows: "An appeal has been taken from the decision of the chair; you who are of the opinion that the appeal shall be heard will say yes; and you who are opposed will say no; which question shall be put without debate". If Council shall decide to hear the appeal the chair shall at once be vacated by the occupant thereof, who shall call any member to the chair, and may participate in the debate on the appeal. When the debate shall be closed, the question to be put shall be as follows, and shall be decided as are all other questions: "You who are of the opinion that the decision of the chair shall stand as the judgment of Council, say yes; and you who are of the opinion that the decision of the chair shall not stand as the judgment of Council, say no."
      Rule 60.   No member shall withdraw from Council without leave.
      Rule 61.   Any member may protest against the action of Council and have their reasons therefor entered upon the journal if couched in respectful language.
      Rule 62.   The presiding officer may, at any time permit a member to introduce an ordinance or resolution or motion out of the regular order provided not more than two members object thereto.
   (p)   The Calendar.
      Rule 63.   The Clerk shall keep a Council calendar which shall consist of a list of ordinances and resolutions, consecutively numbered, giving names of sponsor, title, date, committee reference and final disposition of same. A call of the calendar shall consist of citing the committee references of the various measures, request for information as to the progress of their consideration.
            (Ord. 29-2020. Passed 4-6-20.)
   (q)   Who Admitted Within Bar.
      Rule 64.   No person except members of Council, City officials, and persons invited shall be admitted within the bar of Council Chambers. The bar of Council Chambers is to include the Council Clerk’s general office area, desk, mailboxes and office equipment areas. (Ord. 74-2023. Passed 8-7-23.)
      Rule 65.   The Mayor shall be permitted to participate in discussion of ordinances, resolutions, and other matters affecting public policy or welfare that arise; the Director of Public Service and Safety shall be permitted to discuss questions relative to their respective department only.
   (r)   Unclassified Rules.
      Rule 66.   On meeting of Council, and after the reading and disposal of the journal, the President shall take up the order of business where left off at the previous meeting of Council, and when the remaining order of business has been completed, he or she shall begin at the commencement of the regular order and continue until the entire order of business has been called.
      Rule 67.   Members of Council, all persons within the bar of Council and persons within the Council Chambers shall at all times observe the proper decorum and, while Council is in session, shall refrain from loud talking and similar disconcerting conduct.
      Rule 68.   These rules may be suspended, altered, repealed, or added to by a majority vote of all the members of Council at any regular meeting.
      Rule 69.   All questions not provided for by these rules, shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order or Gregg's Parliamentary Law.
      Rule 70.   The Clerk shall prepare and have at each meeting of Council for use of the President, and each member of Council, a copy of these rules, with all amendments thereto.
      Rule 71.   The immediate supervisor of the Clerk shall be the President of Council, subject to the direction of Council. Any issue or concern regarding the Clerk should be documented and directed to the President of Council, who shall address the matter promptly and directly with the Clerk. The Clerk shall also be subject to all other ordinances and other rules and regulations governing employees of the City.
            1.   The Clerk shall perform the duties of the position generally during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Clerk shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of Council and Council’s work session. The Clerk shall notify the President of Council or President Pro Tem in the event of illness or other circumstance preventing such attendance or fulfillment of the Clerk’s duties.
            2.   The Clerk shall maintain the official records of Council, including, but not limited to, a correct and accurate journal of the proceedings of Council and its Committees, a correct and accurate record of all ordinances and resolutions considered by Council, together with a record of their publication where required by law, a record of all notices published on behalf of Council, and a record of all correspondences on behalf of Council.
            3.   The Clerk shall be guided in the performance of the foregoing duties by the Employee Manual, adopted herein by Council.
      Rule 72.   Each member of Council shall maintain a telephone line with a telephone number kept on file with the Clerk of Council to enable the public to contact individual members of Council.
      Rule 73.   EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Rule 73 was repealed by Ordinance 111-2012.
      Rule 74.   If the regular Clerk of Council is absent from his or her duties for just cause, the President of Council may appoint a temporary acting Clerk of Council who shall have all the duties and lawful powers to act for and as the Clerk of Council during the just absence of the Clerk of Council. The temporary acting Clerk of Council’s compensation shall be paid at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per meeting for attendance at any regular meeting, work session, or special meeting. The President is further authorized to select and train an acting Clerk. The acting Clerk shall be paid the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) per training session. (Ord. 29-2020. Passed 4-6-20.)