1501.13 KNOX BOX.
   (a)   Per City of Massillon Ordinance No. 75-2004 all new commercial occupancies and all new apartment complexes (4 or more units with limited access) built after December 31, 2004 in the City of Massillon shall install a Key Box Lock to allow emergency access by the Massillon Fire Department.
   (b)   The Key Lock Box shall be:
      (1)   The Knox Box from the Knox Company, Model 3200 with hinged door.
      (2)   Located at or near the recognized public entrance.
      (3)   Located at a height of not less than four feet and not more than six feet from the final grade.
      (4)   No steps, displays, signs or other fixtures, or structure protrusions shall be located under the box, which would block access to the box.
      (5)   A key box tamper switch will be allowed to be connected to the buildings alarm system if deemed necessary.
      (6)   The box shall contain clearly labeled keys, devices and/or information as deemed necessary by the Massillon Fire Department.
   (c)   The owner or agent shall be present during access to the Key Box by the Massillon Fire Department for placement of keys, devices and/or information, except during an emergency.
   Note: The Massillon Fire Department will have the only keys to the Key Boxes. No building owner/representative is authorized to possess a key to the Knox Box.
   When a property is protected by a locked fence or gate the Massillon Fire Department may require a security padlock or electrically operated key switch, i.e. Knox Padlock or Knox Key Switch.
   A building protected by an automatic sprinkler and/or standpipe shall be protected by Knox Locking FDC Caps, if deemed necessary by the Massillon Fire Department.
   (d)   The Knox Box and/or other related equipment order forms can be picked up at the Main Fire Station or you can order on-line at www.knoxbox.com. If you have any questions please contact the Fire Prevention Bureau of the Massillon Fire Department, 330-833-1053.
   (e)   Non-compliance will subject the responsible parties to the revocation of the Certificate of Occupancy by the Chief Building Official. (Ord. 49-2011. Passed 4-18-11.)