(a)   The Historic Design Review Board, having been previously established by City ordinance, is hereby renamed the Historic Preservation Commission. The Commission shall consist of nine members. The Historic Preservation Commission members should have to the highest extent possible a recognized knowledge of and a known interest in historic preservation together with a determination to work for the overall improvement of the quality of Massillon's physical environment. At least two members of the Commission shall be preservation-related professional members from the fields of architecture, architectural history, history, archeology, planning or a related discipline. All members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of Council based on recommendations from the following organizations: Three members shall be recommended for appointment by the Massillon Museum. Two members shall be recommended for appointment by the City Planning Commissions. One member shall be recommended for appointment by the Massillon Chamber of Commerce. Two at-large members shall be appointed by the Mayor. One member of City Council shall be designated by Council to serve as an ex-officio member of the Commission. All members shall serve two-year terms; however, terms may be staggered. One member of the City’s Planning Department staff and one member of the City Building Department, shall serve as City Liaison to the Commission in an advisory, non-voting capacity. Terms of office shall be staggered, except that two of the members appointed by the Mayor shall serve an initial term of one year. All commission members either shall be a resident of the City of Massillon or shall own a business located within the City limits. Up to a maximum of three commission members may be non-residents of the City who own a business located within the City limits, however, at least six members of the Commission shall be residents of the City. All members shall be residents of the City. All members of the Commission shall serve without compensation from the City. The Mayor and Council shall have the power to remove any member of the Commission for just cause. Vacancies caused by death, resignation or otherwise shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as original appointments are made. Vacancies shall be filled within sixty days unless extenuating circumstances require a longer period.
(Ord. 150-2017. Passed 12-4-17.)
   (b)   The Commission shall elect a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman to serve in the absence of the Chairman, and a Secretary at its first meeting after November 1, of each year. The Commission shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including conflict of interest prohibitions, which shall be made available for public inspection. The rules of procedure shall provide for at least four regular meetings per year and additional special meetings which will be held in a public place, advertised in advance and made public. All review decisions will be made in a public forum, with applicants notified of meetings and advised of decisions. Written minutes of actions and decisions of the Commission shall be made available for public inspection.
(Ord. 25-1987. Passed 3-2-87.)