“Incidental Residential Uses” means the incidental use of a residential property for one of the following purposes:
   (a)   Hobbies that do not produce a profit or only occasionally or incidentally do so.
   (b)   Volunteer work for non-profit organizations.
   (c)   Door-to-door sales, including marketing or sales activity in a residence by a door-to-door salesperson whose business is not based therein, including sales- oriented “parties” or group product demonstrations.
   (d)   A home office used only for incidental clerical, administrative, or professional work brought home from an off-premises place of work.
   (e)   An “address of convenience”, meaning an activity confined to the sending and receipt of mail, phone calls, faxes, e-mail, and other forms of electronic communication, and the keeping of records in connection with any business or occupation.
   (f)   Incidental low-nuisance money-making activities of household residents, other than Garage Sales as defined in Chapter 725, and including such activities as newspaper delivery, babysitting, and short-term seasonal activities such as children’s lemonade stands, or other similar activities.
   Incidental Residential Uses shall be permitted within all residential zoning districts as an allowable accessory use.
(Ord. 251-2001. Passed 2-4-02.)