In a Local Business District, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected except for one or more of the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in the Zoning Ordinance.
   (a)   Generally recognized retail businesses which supply commodities on the premises, such as but not limited to: groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions or hardware.
   (b)   Personal service establishments which perform services on the premises, such as but not limited to: repair shops (watches, radio, television, shoe, etc.), tailor shops, beauty parlors or barber shops, photographic studios and self-service laundries and dry cleaners.
   (c)   Dry cleaning establishments, or pick-up stations, dealing directly with the consumer. Central dry cleaning plants serving more than one retail outlet shall be prohibited.
   (d)   Business establishments which perform services on the premises, such as but not limited to: banks, loan companies, insurance offices and real estate offices.
   (e)   Professional services including offices of doctors, dentists, osteopaths and similar or allied professions.
   (f)   Branch Post Offices and similar governmental office buildings, serving persons living in the adjacent residential area.
   (g)   Restaurants, taverns or other places serving food or beverages except those having the character of a drive-in, except the sale of beer, wine and/or intoxicating liquors as the same are defined in the Liquor Control Act of Ohio, for the consumption on the premises of the seller, shall be prohibited within 500 feet of the nearest property line of any church mission, public or parochial school, hospital or public library.
   (h)   Other uses similar to the above uses.
   (i)   Accessory structures and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses. (Ord. 82-1970. Passed 11-2-70.)
   (j)   Private clubs, fraternal organizations and lodge halls.
      (Ord. 28-1972. Passed 5-15-72.)
   (k)   Miniature golf course. (Ord. 28-2010. Passed 4-5-10.)