The Planned Unit Development shall be constructed according to a formally approved Development Plan subject to the following District requirements:
   (a)   A Planned Unit Development shall contain a minimum of eight contiguous acres which shall not be divided into parts:
      (1)   By any State or Federal limited access highway, or
      (2)   By any large area of land or structures not included in the proposed development, or
      (3)   By any railroad rights of way, or
      (4)   By any other physical feature that tends to make distinct and separate any one area from another.
      The existence of public or private streets or highways, other than limited access highways, electrical transmission lines, or other right of way (in fee or easement) within any area shall not be considered as "any large area of land not included" when determining if an area is contiguous.
   (b)   Water and sewer facilities shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to start of construction.
   (c)   The housing density shall be defined as dwelling units per net project area. Net project area is defined as the total project area minus the required open space or as seventy percent (70%) of the total project area. The housing density shall not exceed the following:
      (1)   Single-family dwelling units: six per acre.
      (2)   Two-family dwelling units: ten per acre.
      (3)   Multiple family dwelling units in structures of two and one-half stories or less:
         51.8 rooms per acre.
         25.9 one bedroom units per acre
         17.3 two bedroom units per acre
         13.0 three bedroom units per acre
         10.3 four bedroom units per acre
         or any combination thereof as calculated by the formula:
         # rooms = net project area in square feet
For a further explanation of the use of the term "room", refer to Section 1177.01 (d).
      (4)   Multiple family structures of over two and one-half stories are not permitted in an R-PUD District without the specific approval of the Planning Commission.
         These densities may be varied by the Planning Commission through consideration of the location, proposed land uses, topography, architectural design and other factors aimed at increasing the amenity of a PUD. However district requirements and design standards which normally must be met shall not be considered sufficient to grant a density increase.
   (d)   Residential units within a PUD may be clustered subject to the following conditions.
      (1)   Permanent, legal and binding access by easement or by dedication from a public street to each lot or dwelling unit for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
      (2)   Adequate and permanent off-street parking areas for each lot or dwelling unit in accordance with Sections 1183.01 and 1183.02.
      (3)   Access from each lot or dwelling unit to be designated open space areas within the PUD.
      (4)   Lot sizes and/or building spacing requirements to be reviewed by the Planning Commission.
   (e)   Thirty percent (30%) of the gross acreage of the PUD must be devoted to open space designed to provide active recreation, passive recreation, the preservation of natural site amenities or any combination thereof. Open space may be owned and maintained in common by all PUD residents and reserved primarily for their use, or the open space may be dedicated in fee to the local governing body or one of its agencies and operated and maintained by it. (See Section 1159.04(e)). No individual, non-contiguous segment of open space shall be less than 2.5 acres. The buildings, structures and improvements to be permitted in the open space must be appropriate to the uses which are authorized for the open space and must conserve and enhance the amenities of the open space having regard to its topography and unimproved condition.
      This open space requirement shall not be satisfied by the following:
      (1)   Proposed street rights-of-way, open parking areas and driveways.
      (2)   Private open space, which shall be defined as the land owned and maintained by the resident of an individual dwelling unit and reserved exclusively for his use.
   (f)   All arterial and collector streets within the boundaries of a PUD shall be dedicated streets and shall be subject to the design standards set forth in the Subdivision Regulations. Local streets and cul-de-sacs may be either private or dedicated and may vary and be modified from these design standards as is deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. Right-of-way width and street roadway width for private streets may be reduced as deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission especially where it is found that the plan for the PUD provides for the separation of vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns and provides for adequate off-street parking facilities. The terms arterial street, collector street, local street and cul-de-sac are used as defined in the Subdivision Regulations.
   (g)   Building setbacks from arterial and collector streets shall conform to the appropriate setback requirements in Section 1177.01. Building setbacks from local streets and cul-de-sacs may vary from these requirements in order to provide a better use of the natural contour of the land; to strike a balance between structures, streets and open spaces; to depart from street uniformity, and to allow landscaping and architecture.
   (h)   No structure shall exceed the height regulations of the applicable provision of Section 1177.01.
   (i)   Single, attached or detached dwelling units shall contain a minimum square footage of 600 square feet exclusive of patios, carports, garages and covered porches. Minimum square footage for multi-family dwelling units is found in Section 1177.01.
   (j)   Fences, walls or planting screens shall be provided at the perimeter of the development where necessary to screen improvements, uses or other influences having an adverse impact either on the development or on adjacent property. When required, landscaping shall be sufficient to reduce the harshness of bare structures and streets. Planting material shall be of a kind and size to assure both an immediate atmosphere and a permanent survival. Soil and water control facilities shall be of a kind for adequate control. See Sections 1187.02, 1187.07 and 1187.08.
      (Ord. 14-1975. Passed 3-17-75.)