Final plats may be for all or a portion of the territory shown to be subdivided and shall conform to the approved preliminary plat and to these Regulations.
(a) Submission of Final Plat.
(1) An application on forms provided by the Planning Commission for their approval of the final plat, together with ten prints shall be filed at the office of the Planning Commission by the deadline date as set by the Planning Commission for review at its next meeting. Final plat fees shall be submitted at this time in accordance with Section 1113.06.
(2) A letter from the developer's attorney shall be submitted, addressed to the Law Director, verifying the ownership of lands being subdivided and setting forth all judgments, liens, easements, rights of way and leases affecting the proposed lands to be included in the plat.
(b) Final Plat Drawing.
(1) A final plat shall be drawn in ink on tracing cloth or mylar or any material except "sepia", feasible for clear reproducible copies on one or more sheets measuring twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches at a scale of 100 feet to the inch. Where necessary, the plat may be on several sheets accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire subdivision. All lettering shall be legible and not less than 3/32 of an inch in height.
(2) Final plats shall conform to the approved preliminary plat and the regulations herein and may be for all or a portion of the territory shown as subdivided.
(3) The final plat shall show the following:
A. Proposed name of subdivision which must not duplicate others in the City, tract and original lot number.
B. Name and address of the developer and the engineering or surveying firm.
C. Identification of adjoining land.
D. Total acreage of land platted, total acreage of streets dedicated, and total acreage of lots platted, number of residential lots, and acres in parks and other public uses.
E. Lines and boundaries: center lines and right-of-way lines of streets easements and other rights of way, natural and artificial water courses, streams, shorelines, corporation lines, and property lines of all lots and parcels with distances, radii, arcs, chords and tangents of all curves (nearest one hundredth of a foot), bearings, or deflection angles (nearest second).
F. Location and description of all monuments found, set or to be set.
G. Land for public use: show boundaries and identify the use of all parcels which are to be dedicated or reserved for public use or easements.
H. Streets: name and right-of-way width of each street within proposed subdivision and those adjoining.
I. Lot identification: lots shall be numbered in accordance with City lot numbering system.
J. Certification and seal by a registered surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him which balances and closes, and the monuments shown thereon exist or shall be set as shown, and that all dimensional and geodetic details are correct.
K. Notarized certification by the owner or owners of the subdivision and the offer of the dedication of streets and other public areas and that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the land contained in the plat.
L. Endorsement to be completed by the Law Director when land is to be dedicated for public use, certifying that all lands offered for dedication are free from encumbrances. The subdivider shall provide to the Law Director such instruments as are necessary to this determination.
M. Approval of the City Enginner that required improvements have been satisfactorily installed or adequate financial guarantees have been provided to the satisfaction of the Law Director.
N. Approval of plat by the Chairman of the Planning Commission.
O. Acceptance of dedication by Council.
P. Proper notations for transfer and recording by the County Auditor and County Recorder.
(c) Recording of Final Plat.
(1) Upon final approval of the plat by the Planning Commission and acceptance of the street dedication by Council, the plat shall be presented by the developer to the Stark County Auditor for transfer and the Stark County Recorder for recording. All fees required in connection with the above process are the responsibility of the developer.
(2) The tracing or a reproducable copy of the final plat, after it has been recorded by the developer, will be filed and retained in the office of the City Engineer and shall become and remain the property of the City.
(Ord. 4-1978. Passed 3-6-78.)