(a)   The funds received effective January 1, 2016 from the rates and charges hereinafter provided in Section 937.09 shall be deposited as received with the City Treasurer, who shall keep the same in a separate fund designating the Wastewater Treatment Revenue in the following sub accounts designated as follows:
      (1)   Wastewater Treatment Fund 2101: The revenue deposited in this fund shall be all Stark County revenues received and sixty percent (60%) of all City revenues.
      (2)   WWT Debt Fund 1305: The revenues deposited in this fund shall be all Stark County debt service payments and twenty-nine percent (29%) of all City revenues.
      (3)   Capital Improvement Fund 1406: The revenues deposited in this fund shall be six percent (6%) of all City revenues.
      (4)   Collection System Improvement Fund 1414: The revenues deposited in this fund shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the capacity charges for new sewer system connections and shall be five percent (5%) of all City revenues.
   (b)   All funds received from the industrial surcharge hereafter provided in Section 937.10 shall be deposited as received with the City Treasurer, who shall keep the same in the Wastewater Treatment Fund.
   (c)   The proposed rates will be re-evaluated every four (4) years with the next evaluation being in 2019 or as needed.
(Ord. 186-2015. Passed 2-1-16.)