   Every driver of a taxicab shall have the right to demand payment of the legal fare in advance and may refuse employment unless so prepaid. No driver of a taxicab shall otherwise refuse to convey any orderly person or persons upon request anywhere in the City unless previously engaged.
   (a)   Each and every accident occurring within the City involving a taxicab in which a claim of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more is made against the owner of a taxicab, or where any personal injury results, shall be reported by the owner of such taxicab within forty-eight hours to the Safety Director.
   (b)   If a judgment of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more is obtained against the owner of the taxicab a statement of the amount of such judgment shall be filed with the Safety Director within ten days immediately following the entry of the judgment.
   Vehicles used as taxicabs may not be parked on the streets of this Municipality except to await a passenger or unless in an area designated as a taxi stand.
   Any license granted under the terms of this chapter shall not be revoked except for cause, which cause shall be the violation of the terms of this chapter, failure on the part of the owner or operator of a taxicab to render satisfactory service in which instance or instances such owner shall be given at least ten-day notice of a hearing before Council. If Council finds the owner in violation of the above provisions, then Council may give the owner a reasonable period of time to comply with the terms of this chapter or Council may revoke the license or use any other remedy set forth in this chapter.
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   Whoever violates any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a minor misdemeanor.