(A) To facilitate public understanding of this chapter and for the better administration and convenience of use thereof, the regulations designating permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, exceptions and special permits for each of the districts established by § 156.020 hereof, are set forth in Use Schedule in division (D) below. Such Use Schedule is intended and declared to be an integral part of this chapter and it may be amended in the same manner as any other part of this chapter.
(B) Each column refers to a specific district which lists the permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, exceptions, special permits, and supplementary regulation references, and are read vertically under a district column.
(C) Limitations and requirements in the Use Schedule as used in a column shall mean and include the specific limitations and requirements as set forth in the same column for the district referred to. Where reference is made in the Use Schedule to another section or provision of this chapter, such section or provision referred to shall, thereby be incorporated as an integral part of the requirements including such reference. All provisions of this chapter shall apply as integral parts of this section although not specifically cited in a column. See division (D) below.
(D) Schedule; Permitted Uses; Accessory Uses; Exceptions and Special Permits. See Appendix C at the end of the chapter.
(`92 Code, § 40-2-5)