(A) Following approval of the preliminary plat and prior to approval of the final plat by the Board of Trustees, the subdivider/developer shall furnish eight copies of the plans and specifications for all improvements to be installed to the Village Clerk. The Village Clerk shall retain one copy for his or her file and forward one copy to each of the following:
(1) Administrator;
(2) Public Works Chairperson;
(3) Public Works Director;
(4) Planning Commission Chairperson;
(5) Village Engineer;
(6) Township Highway Commissioner;
(7) Madison County Soil and Water Conservation District Office; and
(8) Fire Department.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-3.1)
(B) (1) Improvement plans shall consist of black or blue line prints 24 inches by 36 inches. All improvement plans must be signed and sealed by the Illinois Registered Professional Engineer responsible for their preparation.
(2) These plans and the related specifications shall provide all of the following applicable information:
(a) Title page, with a key map (such as USGS topographic map) showing the relationship of the subdivision to the surrounding area including portions of the subdivision previously developed, plus adjacent streets;
(b) Title block showing names and addresses of subdivider and engineering firm, as well as the engineer’s seal;
(c) North arrow, graphic or bar scale and date;
(d) List of the standards and specifications followed, citing volume section, page or other reference;
(e) One or more permanent bench marks, in or near the subdivision, to which the subdivision is referenced (elevation based on mean sea level datum);
(f) Existing and proposed survey monuments;
(g) Proposed finished grade at the same contour intervals as required for the preliminary plat;
(h) Plans, profiles and cross sections of streets showing names, right-of-way and pavement widths, elevations, paving details, grades, curbs and gutter, catch basins, sidewalks and any other improvements to be constructed within or in conjunction with the street right-of-way;
(i) Plan of any water supply system showing locations, pipe sizes, pump stations (size, capacity and type), hydrant and valve locations;
(j) Percolation test data and locations of test holes if no public sewer system is available or proposed and the Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of the county percolation rule for that locality;
(k) Plan of sewage disposal system showing pipe locations, sizes, force mains, invert elevations, slopes, manhole locations, lift stations (size, capacity and type) and point of discharge;
1. If area is subject to flooding, any additional floodproofing measures (such as, anchoring, special pipe, ground water information and the like) shall be shown.
2. If a private sewage treatment system is proposed, all information required by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency or the Madison County Environmental Health Department shall be submitted with the improvement plans (such as treatment proposed, size, type, capacity, locations, outfall points and the like.
(l) Plan of natural drainage system including watershed outlines with drainage computations, retention basins showing drainage areas, locations of storm sewers, culverts, drainage channels, swales, slopes, pipe sizes, invert elevations, underground drains, outlet locations, velocity reduction techniques and high water elevations of all lakes and streams adjoining or within the tract;
(m) Proposed fill or other structure-elevating techniques, levees, channel modifications and other methods to overcome any flood hazards;
(n) Any proposed structural or non-structural measures to prevent soil erosion and control sedimentation;
(o) List of all improvements to be dedicated to the village; and
(p) Cost estimates of all improvements to be dedicated to the village.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-3.2)
(C) (1) The Public Works Director, Public Works Committee, Fire Department and Village Engineer shall review the improvement plans. A written summary of their comments along with their recommendation regarding acceptance of the improvement plans shall be forwarded to the Administrator by the Public Works Director.
(2) The recommendations of the Public Works Committee, Village Engineer, Highway Commissioner, County Soil and Water Conservation District and Administrator shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission at least seven days in advance of the Planning Commission meeting.
(3) Within 60 days of the date improvement plans were submitted to the Village Clerk, the Administrator shall notify the subdivider/developer in writing as to whether the improvement plans are acceptable, not acceptable or acceptable with changes. If the plans are acceptable with changes, the nature of the changes shall be provided.
(4) No building permits shall be issued and the application of the final plat shall not be approved by the Board of Trustees until the improvement plans satisfactorily address written change requirements provided to the developer/subdivider by the Administrator.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-3.3) (Ord. 99-17, passed 5-19-99; Am. Ord. 99-19, passed 5-19-99; Am. Ord. 2024-32, passed 5-1-24)