(A) Subsequent to completion of street construction by the subdivider/developer, the Public Works Director and Chairperson of the Public Works Committee and/or Engineer employed by the village shall make a final inspection of all streets to ascertain the acceptability of structural conditions, earth slopes, drainage structures and the like. If the inspection indicates no deficient items, the village shall take formal action to accept the completed streets for maintenance.
(B) Should any item need correction or repair, the subdivider/developer will be notified in writing of each deficiency. No street(s) will be accepted in a subdivision/development until all streets comply with the village’s requirements to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director and Chairperson of Public Works Committee.
(C) It should be noted, that regardless of whether or not the street(s) has been accepted by the village for maintenance, no building permits shall be issued for any residential structures until such time as the builder has cleaned all debris and mud from the pavement, gutter and the like, in the nearby vicinity of the subject structure.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-6.4) (Am. Ord. 2024-32, passed 5-1-24)