(A) All streets and alleys shall be paved across the entire surface-width as specified in Table 3-B located at the end of this chapter. The Village Board reserves the right to select the most appropriate option; likewise, equivalents to the following standards may be approved by the Village Board, depending on engineering and traffic volume considerations. The village also reserves the right to compel the developer to extract cores from the constructed roadway pavements, and may assess penalties if the minimum pavement thicknesses are not constructed as specified in the aforementioned Table 3-B according to the following method. Determination of pavement thickness shall be performed after the pavement surface tests and corrective action have been completed according to the Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, current edition. The procedure to determine the in-place pavement thickness and remedies shall be as follows.
(1) Length of units. The length of a unit will be a continuous strip of pavement 150 feet in length.
(2) Width of units.
(a) Flexible pavements. The width of a unit will be the width from the pavement edge to the adjacent lane line, from one lane line to the next, or between pavement edges for single-lane pavements.
(b) Rigid pavements. The width of a unit shall be the width from the pavement edge to the adjacent longitudinal joint, from one longitudinal joint to the next, or between pavement edges where there is no longitudinal joint.
(3) Thickness measurements. Pavement thickness will be based on cores two inches in diameter.
(a) Cores shall be taken from the pavement by the developer at locations selected by the engineer. When determining the thickness of a unit, one core shall be taken in each unit.
(b) The developer and the engineer shall witness the coring operations, as well as the measuring and recording of the cores. Core measurements will be determined immediately upon removal from the core bit and prior to moving to the next core location. Upon concurrence of the length, the core samples shall become the property of the village.
(c) Upon completion of coring, all water shall be removed from the hole, and the hole shall then be filled with a rapid-hardening mortar or concrete. The material shall be mixed in a separate container, placed in the hole, consolidated by rodding, and struck-off flush with the adjacent pavement.
(4) Unit deficient in thickness. In considering any portion of the pavement that is deficient, the entire limits of the unit will be used in computing the deficiency or determining the remedial action required.
(5) Thickness equals or exceeds specified thickness. When the thickness of a unit equals or exceeds the specified plan thickness, it shall be deemed as acceptable by the village.
(6) Thickness deficient by 10% or less. When the thickness of a unit is less than the specified plan thickness by 10% or less, a financial penalty will be assessed per square yard for the item involved. The value of the full penalty will be determined from the average unit price of the installed pavement type from the most currently published Illinois Department of Transportation’s state letting results. A percentage of the full penalty will be assessed as given in the following table:
Percent Deficiency (Of Plan Thickness) | Percent of Full Penalty (Per Square Yard) |
0.0 to 2.0 | 0 |
2.1 to 3.0 | 20 |
3.1 to 4.0 | 28 |
4.1 to 5.0 | 32 |
5.1 to 7.5 | 43 |
7.6 to 10.0 | 50 |
(7) Thickness deficient by more than 10%. When a core shows the pavement to be deficient by more than 10% of plan thickness, additional cores shall be taken on each side of the deficient core, at stations selected by the developer and offsets selected by the engineer, to determine the limits of the deficient pavement. No core shall be located within five feet of a previous core obtained for thickness determination. The first acceptable core obtained on each side of a deficient core will be used to determine the length of the deficient pavement. An acceptable core is a core with a thickness of at least 90% of plan thickness. The area of deficient pavement will be defined using the length between two acceptable cores and the full width of the unit. The area of deficient pavement shall be removed and replaced; however, when requested in writing by the developer, the engineer may permit in writing such areas of deficient flexible pavement to remain in place. For deficient areas of flexible pavement allowed to remain in place, additional lift(s) may be placed, at no additional cost to the village, to bring the deficient pavement to plan thickness, when the engineer determines grade control conditions will permit such lift(s). The area(s) to be overlaid, the material to be used, the thickness(es) of the lift(s), and the method of placement will be approved by the engineer. The option of correcting deficient rigid pavement with additional lift(s) shall not apply.
(8) When an area of deficient pavement is removed and replaced, or additional lifts are placed, the corrected pavement shall be retested for thickness.
(9) The thickness of the first acceptable core on each side of the core more than 10% deficient will be used to determine any needed penalty assessments for the remaining areas on each side of the area deficient by more than 10%.
(10) Right of discovery.
(a) When the engineer has reason to believe any core location does not accurately represent the true conditions of the work, he or she may order additional cores. These additional cores shall be taken at specific locations determined by the engineer. The engineer will provide notice to the developer containing an explanation of the reasons for his or her action.
(b) When the additional cores show the pavement to be deficient by more than 10% of plan thickness, the procedures outlined in division (A)(7) shall be followed, except the engineer will determine the additional core locations.
(11) Profile index adjustment. After any area of pavement is removed and replaced, or any additional lifts are added, the corrected areas shall be retested for pavement smoothness. Any necessary profile index adjustments and/or corrections will be made based on these final profile readings prior to retesting for thickness.
(B) All material types for construction are to be furnished and installed as specified in the latest edition of the Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
(C) All new or replacement driveways constructed for new and/or existing residences shall have a two inch expansion joint installed where the driveway abuts the back of curb/gutter and where the driveway abuts the garage slab as shown on the detail sheet attached to the ordinance codified herein and available from the village. These expansion joints shall be maintained by the property owner.
(D) All concrete street pavement shall be required to have expansion joints at locations noted as A2 on the detail sheet for PCC Pavement Special (Non-reinforced) Detail attached to the ordinance codified herein and available from the village.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-6.1) (Am. Ord. 2012-09, passed 5-2-12; Am. Ord. 2019-29, passed 8-7-19; Am. Ord. 2024-32, passed 5-1-24)