(A) No proposed subdivision/development shall be approved unless the improvements plan indicate compliance with the following principles, standards and specifications.
(B) The principles, standards and specifications shall be applicable during all phases of any clearing, stripping, excavating, filling, grading, construction or other activity involving the disturbance of the natural terrain or vegetative ground cover.
(1) (a) The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any one time during development.
(b) When land is exposed during the development, the exposure shall be kept to the shortest practicable period of time.
(c) Natural features such as trees, groves, waterways and other similar resources shall be preserved whenever possible in the process of development.
(d) The development shall be fitted to the topography and soils to create the least erosion potential.
(e) Temporary vegetation and/or mulching shall be used to protect critical areas exposed during development.
(f) Permanent final vegetation and structures shall be installed as soon as practical.
(g) Provisions shall be made to effectively accommodate the increased runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development.
(h) Sediment shall be retained on the site.
(2) All grading plans and specifications, including extensions of previously approved plans, shall include provisions for erosion and sediment control in accordance with, but not limited to the standards and specifications contained in Procedures and Standards for Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control in Illinois.
(3) An IEPA permit is required for storm water discharge for activities involving construction operations that result in the disturbance of one acre total land or greater. IEPA Form WPC-PS-1 and Schedule P - Erosion Control together with the required exhibits and plans are required to be submitted for review by the Planning Commission as is part of the improvement plans. A copy of the required IEPA Notice of Intent (NOI) is required to be submitted to the village for a building permit for a project site one acre or more in area.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-16) (Am. Ord. 2024-32, passed 5-1-24)