(A)   No land within the subdivision and development jurisdiction of the municipality shall be subdivided or developed, except in compliance with the regulations of this subchapter and the applicable provisions of state law. No lot in any subdivision/development shall be conveyed until:
      (1)   The final plat of the subdivision/development has been approved by the Board of Trustees and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds; and
      (2)   The portion of the subdivision/development in which the lot is located has been improved in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter or until a performance bond or other security has been posted to assure the completion of the improvements.
   (B)   The Administrator shall not issue a building permit for any lot conveyed in violation of this section.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-1) (Am. Ord. 2024-32, passed 5-1-24)