Application for a Development Permit shall be made by the owner of the property or his or her authorized agent to the Zoning Administrator on a form furnished for that purpose. Each application shall bear the name(s) and address(es) of the owner or developer of the site, the contractor(s) and any consulting firm retained by the applicant together with the name of the applicant’s principal contact at such firm, and shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $200 for any permit subject to the requirements of §§ 152.20 et seq., Stormwater Drainage and Detention. The permit fee is assessed for those developments where only the requirements of §§ 152.35 et seq., Soil Erosion and Sediment Control, apply. Each application shall include certification that any land clearing, construction, or development involving the movement of earth shale be in accordance with the plans approved upon issuance of the permit.
(Ord. passed 12-9-02)