(A) Each applicant shall submit the information depending on development size, including individual lots, as regulated to ensure that the provisions of this chapter are met. The submittal shall include sufficient information to evaluate the environmental characteristics of the property, the potential adverse impacts of the development related to erosion both on-site and off-site, and the effectiveness of the proposed erosion and sediment control plan in reducing sediment loss and meet the provisions of § 152.02. The applicant shall certify on the drawing that all clearing, grading, drainage, and construction shall be accomplished in strict conformance with the erosion and sediment control plan.
(B) The following information shall be submitted for both existing and proposed property conditions including individual lots; new developments or re-developments meeting the requirements of § 152.03.
(1) Erosion and sediment control plan requirements. Shall meet the requirements of § 152.20(B), (C), and (D).
(2) Mapping and descriptions. The existing and proposed erosion and sediment control features of the property and immediate vicinity including:
(a) As required in § 152.20(B), (C), and (D);
(b) Location of the slope disturbance line;
(c) Location and description of the erosion and sediment control measures
to be employed during construction;
(d) For any structures proposed to be located on the slope side of the slope disturbance line the map shall include the limits of disturbance including tree removal, erosion and sediment control measures during construction, cross section view of any proposed cut or fill, erosion and sediment control measures during construction, details of method(s) proposed for providing slope stability, permanent stormwater control measures, and permanent erosion and sediment control measures all being certified by a registered professional engineer or a “Certified Professional Erosion Control Specialist.”
(e) The predominant soil types on the site, their location, and their limitations for the proposed use as defined by the U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
(f) The proposed use of the site, including present and planned development, areas of clearing, stripping, grading, excavation and filling; proposed contours, finished grades, and street
profiles; the stormwater plan as required in §§ 152.20 et seq.; kinds and locations of utilities, areas and acreages proposed to be paved, sodded or seeded, vegetatively stabilized, or left undisturbed; and the location of specimen trees over 18 inches in diameter and their type.
(g) The erosion and sediment control plan showing all measures necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter throughout all phases of construction and those remaining permanently after completion of the development of the site, including:
1. Location and description, including standard details, of all sediment control measures, runoff control measures, including diversions, waterways and outlets, and design specifics of sediment basins and traps including outlet details.
2. Location and description of all soil stabilization and erosion control measures, including seeding mixtures and rates, types of sod, method of seedbed preparation, expected seeding dates, type and rate of lime and fertilizer application, kind and quantity of mulching for both temporary and permanent vegetative control measures, and types of non-vegetative stabilization measures.
3. Location and description of methods to prevent tracking of sediment off-site including construction entrance details, as appropriate.
4. Description of dust and traffic control measures.
5. Locations of stockpiles and description of stabilization methods.
6. Location of off-site fill or borrow volumes, locations and methods of stabilization.
7. Provisions for maintenance of control measures, including type and frequency of maintenance, easements, and estimates of the cost of maintenance.
8. The proposed phasing of development of the site, including stripping and clearing, rough grading and construction, and final grading and landscaping. Phasing should identify the expected date on which clearing will begin, the estimated duration of exposure of cleared area, and the sequence of installation of temporary sediment control measures (including perimeter controls), installation of stormwater drainage, paving streets and parking areas, final grading and the establishment of permanent vegetative cover, and the removal of temporary measures. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to notify the Building and Zoning Administrator of any significant changes which occur in the site development schedule after the initial erosion and sediment control plan has been approved.
(Ord. passed 12-9-02; Am. Ord. 2024-22, passed 4-3-24)