(A)   The drainage system should be designed to minimize adverse surface and groundwater quality impacts off-site and on the property itself. Detention basins shall incorporate design features to capture stormwater runoff pollutants. When designers propose wet bottom and wetland type designs, and all flows from the development shall be routed through the basin (such as low flows shall not be bypassed). When it is not practical or feasible to route all of the project’s flow to the detention basin, the design of the basin shall compensate for the bypass flow. In cases where detention facilities are practical and the long term maintenance of such facilities are provided for, detention of stormwater shall be promoted throughout the property’s drainage system to reduce the volume of stormwater runoff and to reduce the quantity of runoff pollutants.
   (B)   The drainage system should incorporate multiple uses where practicable. Uses considered compatible with stormwater management include open space, aesthetics, aquatic habitat, recreation (boating, fishing, trails, playing fields), wetlands and water quality mitigation.
   (C)   Water quality shall adhere to:
      (1)   Illinois Environmental Protection Act - ILCS Ch. 415, Act 5, § 12, from Ch. 111 1/2., par 1011 & 1012;
      (2)   Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules & Regulations - Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle C: Water Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Part 302 Water Quality Standards; and
      (3)   Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules & Regulations - Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle C: Water Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Part 304 Effluent Standards.
(Ord. passed 12-9-02; Am. Ord. 2007-33, passed 6-20-07)