(A) Election. The Mayor shall be elected for a four-year term and shall serve until his or her successor is elected and has qualified.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-40)
(B) Mayor Pro-tem. During a temporary absence or disability of the Mayor which incapacitates him or her from the performance of his or her duties, but does not create a vacancy in the office, the Mayor shall appoint one of the Trustees, and if he or she cannot, the Board of Trustees shall appoint one of its members to act as Mayor Pro-tem. The Mayor Pro-tem, during this absence or disability, shall perform his or her duties and possess all the rights and powers of the Mayor. The Mayor may appoint an officer to administer the affairs of the village with the advice and consent of the Village Board, whenever the Village Board considers it necessary and expedient.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-41)
(C) Vacancy. If a vacancy occurs in the Office of the Mayor and there remains an unexpired portion of the term of at least 28 months and the vacancy occurs at least 130 days before the general municipal election next scheduled under the general election law, the vacancy shall be filled at that general municipal election. The Village Board shall elect one of its members as “Acting Mayor” who shall perform the duties and shall possess all the rights and powers of the Mayor until a successor to fill the vacancy has been elected and has qualified.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-42)
(D) Chief executive officer. The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the village and he or she shall see to the enforcement of all laws and ordinances. He or she shall preside over the meetings of the Board of Trustees and perform the duties as may be required of him or her by statute or law. He or she shall have supervision over all of the executive officers and village employees; provided, however, his or her control is subject to the power of the Village Board to prescribe the duties of various officers and employees. He or she shall have the power and authority at any reasonable time to inspect all books, papers and records pertaining to village affairs and kept by any officer of the village.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-43)
(E) Mayor’s signature.
(1) The Mayor shall sign all village warrants, commissions, permits and licenses granted by authority of the Village Board, except as otherwise provided, and such other acts and deeds as law or ordinance may require his or her official signature.
(2) (a) The Mayor may designate another to affix his or her signature to any written instrument that requires the Mayor’s signature.
(b) The Mayor must send written notice of this designation to the Village Board stating:
1. The name of the person whom he or she has selected; and
2. What instrument the person will have authority to sign.
(c) A written signature of the Mayor executed by the person so designated with the signature underneath the signature of the person so designated shall be attached to the notice. The notice with the signature attached shall be recorded in the journal of the Village Board and then filed with the Village Clerk. When the signature of the Mayor is placed on a written instrument at the direction of the Mayor in the specified manner, the instrument, in all respects, shall be as binding on the village as if signed by the Mayor in person.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-44)
(F) Appointment of officers.
(1) Appointed.
(a) At the first annual meeting in May, the Mayor shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Village Board, all officers of the village whose election or appointment is not otherwise provided for and the officers shall hold their offices for the ensuing month or year, and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. Any vacancy occurring in an appointive office shall be filled in the same manner.
(b) The Mayor shall issue a commission or certificate of appointment to all persons appointed to office in the municipality.
(2) Filling vacancies. The Mayor shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Village Board, all officers of the village whose appointment will not otherwise be provided for by law; and whenever a vacancy shall occur in any office, which by law or ordinance the Mayor is empowered and required to fill, the Mayor shall, at the next regular meeting of the Village Board, communicate to it the name of the appointee to the office and pending the concurrence of the Village Board in the appointment, the Mayor may designate some suitable person to discharge the functions of the office.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-45)
(G) Supervise conduct of officers; removal of officers.
(1) The Mayor shall supervise the conduct of all officers of the village and see that they faithfully and efficiently discharge the duties of their respective offices.
(2) The Mayor shall have the power to remove any officer appointed by him or her on any formal charge, whenever the Mayor shall be of the opinion that the interests of the village demand the removal, but the Mayor shall report the reasons for the removal to the Village Board to be heard not less than five days, nor more than ten days, after the removal.
(3) If the Mayor shall fail or refuse to file with the Village Clerk a statement of the reasons for the removal or if the Village Board, by a two-thirds vote by “yeas” and “nays” of all its members authorized by law to be elected, to be entered upon its record, disapprove of the removal, then the officer shall thereupon become restored to the office from which the person was so removed, but the person shall give a new bond and take a new oath of office.
(4) No officer shall be removed a second time for the same offense.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-46)
(H) Designation of officers’ duties.
(1) Whenever there is a dispute as to the respective duties or powers of any appointed officer of the village, this dispute shall be settled by the Mayor, after consultation with the Village Attorney.
(2) The Mayor shall have the power to delegate to any appointive officer, any duty which is to be performed when no specific officer has been directed to perform that duty.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-47)
(I) Formal occasions. The Mayor shall act for and on behalf of the village on formal occasions and receptions, but in his or her absence or inability to attend any function, the Mayor may select any other village officer to so act.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-48)
(J) General duties. The Mayor shall perform all the duties which are prescribed by law and shall take care that the laws and ordinances are faithfully executed.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-49)
(K) Business License Commissioner. The Mayor is hereby designated as License Commissioner to issue and revoke any and all business licenses as prescribed by law, with the advice and consent of the Village Board.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-50)
(L) Local Liquor Commissioner. The Mayor or his or her appointee is hereby designated as Local Liquor Commissioner with all the powers to license and/or revoke any village liquor license according to state and village laws.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-51)
(M) Health Commissioner. The Mayor or his or her designee is hereby declared to be Health Commissioner with all powers to abate and remove all nuisances or health hazards within the jurisdictional boundaries of the village authority as prescribed by law.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-52)
(N) Deciding vote; Mayor.
(1) The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Village Board. He or she shall not vote on any ordinance, resolution or motion, except:
(a) Where the vote of the Trustees has resulted in a tie;
(b) Where one-half of the Trustees elected have voted in favor of an ordinance, resolution or motion, even though there is no tie; or
(c) Where a vote greater than a majority of the corporate authorities is required by the Illinois Compiled Statutes to adopt an ordinance, resolution or motion.
(2) In each instance specified, the Mayor shall vote. Nothing in this section shall deprive an Acting Mayor or Mayor Pro-tem from voting in his or her capacity as Trustee, but he or she shall not be entitled to another vote in his or her capacity as Acting Mayor or Mayor Pro-tem.
(3) A three-to-one, three-to-two or three-to-zero vote is not adequate for ordinances and resolutions.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-53)
Statutory reference:
Mayor, see ILCS Chapter 65, Act 5, §§ 3.1-35-5 et seq., ILCS 50, Act 105, §§ 2 et seq. and ILCS Chapter 235, Act 5, § 4-2