(A)   No owner, lessee, manager or superintendent of any store, factory, workshop or other place where persons are employed shall cause or permit the place or any room or part thereof to be overcrowded or inadequate or faulty in respect to light, ventilation, heat or cleanliness.
(`92 Code, § 7-1-11.1)
   (B)   All such places of employment shall be kept in a clean condition, free from effluvia of a sewer, drain, privy, stable or other nuisance(s); also, as far as practicable, the premises shall be free from all gases, vapors, dust or other impurities generated by manufacturing processes or otherwise which are injurious to health. Sufficient washroom facilities for male and female employees shall be provided and the facilities shall be property ventilated.
(`92 Code, § 7-1-11.2)
   (C)   The Mayor and/or the Zoning Administrator shall visit or cause to be visited all places of employment in the municipality as often as they shall deem necessary to assure compliance with the provisions of this section and to have arrangements made as may be deemed necessary for the health and safety of the employees.
(`92 Code, § 7-1-11.3)