(A) No member shall speak more than once on the same question, except by consent of the presiding officer or unless three-fourths of the corporate authorities agree that one’s right to debate should be limited to speak only once, and then, not until every other Trustee desiring to speak shall have had an opportunity to do so.
(B) The proponent of the matter under consideration, as the case may be, shall have the right to open and close debate.
(C) No Trustee shall speak longer than ten minutes at any one time, except by consent of the Village Board. In closing debate, on any question as above provided, the speaker shall be limited to five minutes, except by special consent of the Board.
(D) The Village Board, by motion, may limit debate. The presiding officer shall have the right to participate in debate.
(E) While a member is speaking, no Trustee shall hold any private discussion, nor pass between the speaker and the Chair.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-11)