(A) The order of business shall be as follows:
(1) Call to order by presiding officer;
(2) Prayer;
(3) Pledge of Allegiance;
(4) Roll call;
(5) The reading of the minutes of the proceedings of the last preceding meeting or meetings and correction and approval of the same unless dispensed with by the Board of Trustees;
(6) Approval of Bills;
(7) Communications;
(8) Legal matters;
(9) Old business;
(10) New business/Trustee comments;
(11) Calendar updates;
(12) Staff reports;
(13) Business from the floor;
(14) Mayor’s comments;
(15) Closed session;
(16) Adjourn.
(B) All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided by the Chair without debate, subject to appeal.
(`92 Code, § 1-2-11) (Am. Ord. 2011-12, passed 4-20-11)