(A)   Office created; appointment. There is hereby created the position of Village Administrator, an executive position of the village. The Village Administrator shall be appointed by the Village President with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. In the event of the vacancy of the position of Village Administrator, all references within the Village of Maryville Code of Ordinances to Village Administrator, shall also mean Village President's designee.
   (B)   Duties. The Village Administrator shall be responsible to the Village President for the proper administration of all affairs of the village. In discharging this responsibility, the Village Administrator shall, as directed by the Village President:
      (1)   Coordinate activities between the departments and offices to ensure efficient utilization of resources and maximize interdepartmental coordination and effectively and efficiently administer the policies adopted by the Village President and Board of Trustees;
      (2)   Recommend appointments and, when necessary for the good of the village, recommend suspension or removal of any village employee;
      (3)   Attend all village board, committee and advisory meetings and participate, as required, in all discussions unless excused by the Village President;
      (4)   Assist the Village President as the Chief Administrative officer of the village and perform such duties as may be directed by the Village President;
      (5)   Be the primary point of contact with the Village Attorney and his or her staff, coordinate and follow up attorney assignments and disseminate his or her work product to the Board, and otherwise be the point of contact for legal advice required of any village department head, ensure protection of the attorney-client privilege; provided that, nothing shall prohibit the Village President and Trustees from consulting the Village Attorney as they deem appropriate from time to time;
      (6)   Keep the Village Board fully advised regarding the financial condition of the village and the future needs of the village, including working with the Village Finance Committee and the Village Department Heads in the preparation of a detailed annual budget for village operations, prior to any deadlines set by statute, and be responsible for the administration of that budget;
      (7)   Make such reports to the Village President and Board of Trustees as may be required, concerning the operations of the village departments and offices and recommend various courses of action to the Village President and Board, along with possible alternatives;
      (8)   Propose and recommend to the Village President such personnel rules and regulations as may be useful for management of policies, handbooks, manuals and collective bargaining agreements;
      (9)   Prepare such administrative reports and other reports of the activities of the village as may be required at the conclusion of the fiscal year and periodically throughout the year;
      (10)   Research, collect information and prepare or coordinate the preparation of applications for all grants and loans from governmental or private entities for village programs, operations and services;
      (11)   Participate to the extent requested in the collective bargaining processes of the village and recommend to the Village President collective bargaining agreements for consideration and possible final approval by the Board of Trustees;
      (12)   Investigate and respond to resident inquiries and complaints related to the operations of the village;
      (13)   Participate in the development and implementation of economic and community development programs for the village, including business retention, expansion and recruitment programs;
      (14)   The Administrator shall cause to be prepared, maintained and kept current, a complete set of maps and plats showing the location of village utilities, municipal properties, street and other public places and all lots and parcels of land subdivided according to law;
      (15)   Provide staff support services for the Village President and the members of the Village Board of Trustees.
   (C)   Qualifications. The Village Administrator shall possess and maintain the qualifications and credentials required by law.
   (D)   Compensation. The salary for the Village Administrator shall be determined annually by the Village President and Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 2024-05, passed 1-17-24)