(A) The initial election of the Board shall be held prior to October 1, 2010; the terms of the officers for such election shall terminate April 30, 2012. Successor elections of the Board shall be held in April, 2012 and in the month of April in even-numbered years thereafter. Officers shall take office on November 1, 2010, of the initial terms and on May 1 in even-numbered years thereafter for successor terms.
(B) Officers, except for the initial terms, shall serve up to and including April 30 two years later. Officers, whether for the initial or successor terms, shall take an oath prior to assuming office.
(C) The initial election shall be held in accordance with guidelines and procedures established by a temporary three-member committee consisting of the Mayor, the Fire Chief, and one firefighter. These individuals shall organize, conduct and supervise the initial elections.
(D) The Board shall adopt all necessary rules and regulations governing the nomination and election of such officers for subsequent elections.
(Ord. 2010-20, passed 9-1-10)