(A) Building and Zoning/Code Enforcement Administrator; duties as related to the Zoning Code. The Administrator is hereby authorized and directed, except as may be provided elsewhere in this zoning chapter, to administer and enforce the provisions of the zoning chapter. Refer to § 151.002 for the duties of the Administrator in relation to the zoning chapter.
(B) Right of entry. The Administrator or any duly authorized person, shall have the right to enter upon any premises at any reasonable time prior to and upon completion of the building or other improvements, for the purpose of making inspections to carry out his or her duties in the enforcement of this chapter.
(C) Stop order. Whenever any building work is being done, or uses established, altered or otherwise changed in a manner contrary to the provisions of this chapter, the Administrator or other authorized person, may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on any person engaged in doing or causing such work to be done, and any such person shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the Administrator to proceed.
(D) Prosecution. Whenever a violation of this chapter occurs, any person, including the Administrator or any other duly authorized village official or personnel in addition to and not by way of limitation or other remedies available, may file a complaint therefor in the court of appropriate jurisdiction. The Administrator or his or her deputy or assistant may also issue and/or serve a summons, citation, or other process issued by the court of appropriate jurisdiction for any such violation and may prosecute the violator therefor in said court.
(E) Permits. There shall be submitted with all applications for building or zoning permits, two copies of a layout or site plan drawn to scale showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the exact size and location on the lot of the building and accessory buildings to be erected and such other information as may, be necessary to determine and provide for the enforcement of this chapter.
(F) Payment of fee. One copy of such layout or site plan shall be returned when approved by the Administrator, together with such permit to the applicant, upon the payment of a fee of $5.
(`92 Code, § 40-9-1) (Ord. 96-09, passed 8-7-96)