(A) Act in accordance with law. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall act in accordance with the procedure specified by law and by this chapter. Four members shall constitute a quorum, and, except as otherwise provided by this chapter, an affirmative vote of at least four members shall be necessary to authorize any action of the Board. All appeals and applications to the Board shall be in writing. Every appeal or application shall refer to the specific provision of the chapter involved, and shall exactly set forth the interpretation that is claimed, the use for which the variance or special permit is sought, or the details of the variance that is applied for and the grounds on which it is claimed that the variance should be granted, as the case may be.
(B) Board can appear by any designated official. The village may appear by any designated official of the Village Board of Trustees, and be heard as a party in interest in any hearing before the Board, and the village may appeal any decision of the Board to a court of competent jurisdiction.
(C) Notice and hearing. No action of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be taken on any case until after notice has been given that public hearing has been held as follows:
(1) A notice of the time and date of said hearing and a brief summary of explanation of the subject matter of the hearing shall be published in the newspaper of general circulation within the village within at least 15 days prior to the hearing date.
(2) Said notice in the foregoing subsection (1) shall be sent by first class mail at least ten days prior to the hearing, to the applicant and owners of property in question in cases where a use variance or special permit is applied for. In any other case, such notice shall be sent by first class mail at least ten days prior to the hearing date merely to the applicant and owners and property abutting the property in question.
(D) Expiration of permit. Permit shall expire at such time as may be fixed by the Board, otherwise, six months after the date of the permit.
(E) Costs. A non-refundable fee of $100, payable immediately upon application to the Zoning Board of Appeals, shall be charged by the Village of Maryville for administrative processing.
(`92 Code, § 40-7-5) (Ord. 96-16, passed 10-2-96)