(A)   Minor changes. Minor changes in the location, siting and height of buildings and structures may be authorized by the Administrator if required by engineering or other circumstances not foreseen at the time the final plan was approved. No change authorized by this section shall cause any of the following:
      (1)   A change in the use or character of the development;
      (2)   An increase in building or site coverage;
      (3)   An increase in the intensity of use (such as number of dwelling units);
      (4)   An increase in vehicular traffic generation or significant changes in traffic access and circulation;
      (5)   A reduction in approved open space or required buffer areas; or
      (6)   A change in the record plat.
   (B)   Plan amendments. All proposed changes in use, or rearrangements of lots, blocks and building tracts, changes in the provision of common open spaces, and changes which would cause any of the situations listed under division (A) above shall be subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. In such event, the applicant shall file a revised development plan and be subject to the requirements of this section as if it were an entirely new application.
(`92 Code, § 40-5-19) (Ord. 00-11, passed 7-5-00)