(A)   (1)   The Board of Zoning Appeals shall hear the application (or any modified application) in accordance with its usual procedure. The Board may:
         (a)   Grant the application, with or without conditions;
         (b)   Deny the application; or
         (c)   Refer the application back to the applicant for modification.
      (2)   If the application is granted, a copy of the final plan shall be placed on file within the village, clearly noting all conditions of approval and the date approved for issuance of a permit. If the application is denied, the applicant shall not again apply for a permit for substantially the same proposal unless there has occurred a substantial change of circumstances, and in such case, only with the Board°s consent first obtained, otherwise not earlier than one year after date of the denial. If the application is referred back for modification, the applicant may resubmit the application in accordance with the directions of the Board, if any, otherwise in time for the next regular meeting of the Board.
   (B)   The Board of Zoning Appeals may revoke a permit issued under this Article if:
      (1)   The proposal for which a permit has been issued is not carried out pursuant to the approved final site plan; or
      (2)   If any condition or requirement included in the permit is not complied with. The Board may, however, allow modifications of the final plan, before completion, in conformity with the applicable provisions for review as provided for in this Article.
   (C)   A permit issued under this Article shall expire if the proposal authorized by the permit is not completed within the development schedule therefor included in the application, or expiration.
   (D)   After the final plan has been completed, it shall be a permanent site plan and shall not be modified, nor shall any additions be made thereto, except with the applicable provisions of this Article.
(`92 Code, § 40-5-4)