This section contains the performance standards and regulations pertaining to site lighting for development within the B1, B-2, and PD-B districts.
(A) Scope of provisions. The following regulations shall apply to all use within the B-1 and B-2 districts and to all development approved in conjunction with the Planned Development regulations of §§ 156.115 through 156.130 for PD-B development projects, including all new developments, amendment of an approved site plan, amendment of a special permit use, or any lighting change to an existing development, involving new fixtures, standards, heads or luminaries.
(B) General standards.
(1) Site lighting shall include all lighting on property, other than lighting within a fully enclosed building, provided that site lighting shall include interior lighting when used as accent lighting, as provided in division (B)(8) below.
(2) Site lighting fixtures shall be compatible with the building design and the adjoining landscape and shall not be used in such a manner as to the turn the building itself into “signage”.
(3) Excessive brightness of site lighting shall be avoided.
(4) Site lighting shall not spill over to adjacent sites or properties.
(5) Site lighting shall not create glare which is directed toward or reflected onto adjoining properties.
(6) Site lighting shall not create glare which is directed toward or reflected onto streets, or interior drives where such glare could negatively impact vehicular or pedestrian safety.
(7) Except as may be provided elsewhere in this section, site lighting shall at no time be directed upward, in a radiating and/or moving or sweeping pattern, or at any angle which will light surfaces other than building walls, panting or pedestrian areas, and landscaped areas, and shall not create lighting patterns which will direct light toward residential areas.
(8) At the time of filing any application for any use, development, amendment or change as set out in division (A) above, a lighting plan for site lighting shall be provided on a separate sheet. The following information shall be submitted as part of the lighting plan:
(a) Manufacturer’s catalog cut sheet or other graphic and narrative description of the light standards, fixture heads, and/or luminaries with specification data.
(b) Photometric curves indicating both vertical and horizontal candle-power distribution.
(c) A plan of the site superimposed with a grid of not more than 20 feet between light sources showing the calculated footcandle levels at average site grade at the center of each 20 foot grid.
(9) All site lighting shall be installed utilizing underground cable.
(C) Illumination standards.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in the following provisions of this section, all parking and loading areas and walkways shall be illuminated so as to produce a uniform minimum average illumination within such areas of two footcandles of illumination, measured at the ground level.
(2) Lighting fixtures or standards without cutoff-type luminaries or with globe-style luminaries shall be no higher than 15 feet and shall have a maximum illumination output of not more than 10,000 lumens.
(3) Lighting fixtures or standards with a cutoff-type luminaire shall be no higher than 25 feet with a maximum average illumination of the property, measured at ground level over the site, of five footcandles.
(4) Except as may be otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, where parking and loading areas are adjacent to residential areas, the maximum average illumination of the area between the rear building wall line and the property line abutting a residential area shall be one footcandle measured at ground level over the site, provided that at the property line abutting a residential area, the maximum illumination of the property shall be no higher than one-tenth (0.1) footcandle.
(5) Where parking or loading areas abut residential property, the fixture head shall be of an appropriate type which controls the lighting pattern and shield such residential property from direct view of the light source. In order to achieve this end, reflector shields may be required for fixture heads.
(6) Globe-style fixture heads (including other shapes such as acorn or cylinder styles) may only be used as decorative accents along the front of properties or buildings which face bordering streets which are occupied by, or zoned for, commercial or light industrial uses and where adjoining uses on the same side of the street are not residential. No such fixtures shall be located in any side or rear yard. Globe-style fixture heads shall be of the types which are frosted or translucent so that the bulb lighting source is not visible and that emitted light is diffused.
(`92 Code, § 40-4-19)