§ 27-1201.   Purpose.
The purpose of this Part is:
      A.   To ensure that the provisions of this Chapter which are concerned with the uniform treatment of dwelhng type, bulk, density and open space within each zoning district need not necessarily be applied to the improvement of land by other than lot-by-lot development in a manner which would distort the objectives of that zoning ordinance.
      B.   To encourage innovations in residential development and renewal so that the growing demand for housing may be met by a greater variety in type, design and layout of dwelhng, and by the conservation and more efficient use of open space supplementary to said dwelhngs.
      C.   To provide greater opportunities for better housing and recreation for all who are or will be residents of the Borough.
      D.   To encourage a more efficient use of land and pubhc services and to reflect changes in the technology of land development so that the economies so secured may endure to the benefit of those who need homes.
      E.   To encourage more flexible land development which will respect and conserve natural resources such as streams, floodplains, ground water, wooded areas and areas of unusual beauty or importance to the natural ecosystem.
      F.   And in aid of these purposes, to provide a procedure which can relate the type, design and layout of residential development to the particular site and the particular demand for housing existing at the time of development it a manner consistent with the preservation of the property values within existing residential areas, and to assure that the increased flexibility of regulations over land development estabhshed hereby is carried out pursuant to sound, expeditious and fair administrative standards and procedures.
(Ord. 462, 8/14/1995, §1200)