§ 27-804.   Fences.
   1.   No fence shall be erected in any required front yard area that is more than 4 feet in height. No fence shall be erected in any required side or rear yard area that is more than 6 feet in height. For the purpose of this Part a “fence” shall be defined as any freestanding and uninhabited structure consisting of wood, (whether sawn, split, milled or otherwise), glass, metal, plastic, wire, wire mesh or masonry, singly or in combination with other materials, erected to secure or divide one property from another or part of the property from the remaining part, to assure privacy, to protect the property so defined, to mark the property line or to enclose all or part of the property. For the purpose of this Part, a masonry wall and a stacked firewood pile shall be considered to be a fence.
   2.   Barbwire fence or electric fence shall be prohibited unless used for agricultural purposes on tracts 10 acres or more. Razor wire, concertina wire or similar material shall be prohibited. [Ord. 551]
(Ord. 462, 8/14/1995, §803; as amended by Ord. 551, 4/12/2004)